Ever left a job and came back?


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I left a company that I worked in for almost 13 years. Great company, culture, product and manager. I thought I had found a great new opportunity but that didn't end up being the case. The new job was a disaster -- any way you slice it. I had every reason to believe it was a good opportunity but that wasn't the case once I got in. My bad -- I should have known that the grass isn't always greener, etc.

I had stayed in touch with my old manager. We personally liked each other so we talked and texted frequently. When he hired my replacement I helped any way I could. I was always open to giving names, information, sales leads, etc. Anything to help him out. But this new hire simply isn't working out -- he is a very slow learner and he just isn't grasping what the job entails. My ex-boss is beside himself because he is practically doing his job for him. He hinted recently at the possibility of hiring me back. I was open to that and told him so. He said he would go to upper management and see about bringing me back.

But unfortunately, upper management doesn't like hiring people back who previously left. Even though I burned no bridges and helped the new rep any way I could, they refuse to consider rehiring me.

Has anyone ever been rehired by a company they voluntarily left before?


It happens all the time, upper management may "not like it" but they like making money more than holding grudges. This is a fight your x-boss & his/her boss will need to make. Take the high road the whole way & be ready to grovel for your job back while reminding those you meet with of your track record of achievement.

It happens all the time, upper management may "not like it" but they like making money more than holding grudges. This is a fight your x-boss & his/her boss will need to make. Take the high road the whole way & be ready to grovel for your job back while reminding those you meet with of your track record of achievement.

This member of upper management puts grudges over money. My ex-boss has fought but has said all he can say. Some companies just don't re-hire employees. This is one of them.

Opened up my email this morning and read the latest "new hires" announcement. We are re-hiring someone who left a few years ago. <sigh>