Even More Conservative Lies


You won't hear this on the lying Faux news network, and most assuredly, you won't hear this from fat Limbaugh. The teabaggers claim that the outrageous spending started the day Obama took office. According to them, there was never any out of control spending, and budgets were always balanced. I think the cp posters who complain about lying should take a retrospective view of recent history.


You won't hear this on the lying Faux news network, and most assuredly, you won't hear this from fat Limbaugh. The teabaggers claim that the outrageous spending started the day Obama took office. According to them, there was never any out of control spending, and budgets were always balanced. I think the cp posters who complain about lying should take a retrospective view of recent history.

Can you link us to cp quotes where anyone contended that budgets were balanced and spending in control over the past 10 years?

Go! or stop your lying.

You won't hear this on the lying Faux news network, and most assuredly, you won't hear this from fat Limbaugh. The teabaggers claim that the outrageous spending started the day Obama took office. According to them, there was never any out of control spending, and budgets were always balanced. I think the cp posters who complain about lying should take a retrospective view of recent history.


It is pathetic how cons have such selective memories and choose to lie and slander as much as they do.

You won't hear this on the lying Faux news network, and most assuredly, you won't hear this from fat Limbaugh. The teabaggers claim that the outrageous spending started the day Obama took office. According to them, there was never any out of control spending, and budgets were always balanced. I think the cp posters who complain about lying should take a retrospective view of recent history.


You don't really want to be taken seriously do you?

You won't hear this on the lying Faux news network, and most assuredly, you won't hear this from fat Limbaugh. The teabaggers claim that the outrageous spending started the day Obama took office. According to them, there was never any out of control spending, and budgets were always balanced. I think the cp posters who complain about lying should take a retrospective view of recent history.


Like I said before the Juedo republicans make the best story tellers. Look at post #3

See how fast 4D vaporized when you showed the link that was requested?

That's his MO around here - Cut and run when he gets called to the carpet.

Just like you these folks are mostly interesting and well educated.

I have to say that should Jon Huntsman win the Republican primaries I will have to take a good look at him. He is the most intelligent of them all hands down.

Just like you these folks are mostly interesting and well educated.

I have to say that should Jon Huntsman win the Republican primaries I will have to take a good look at him. He is the most intelligent of them all hands down.

I agree that Huntsman would be the best GOP candidate - The cons don't realize that.

You won't hear this on the lying Faux news network, and most assuredly, you won't hear this from fat Limbaugh. The teabaggers claim that the outrageous spending started the day Obama took office. According to them, there was never any out of control spending, and budgets were always balanced. I think the cp posters who complain about lying should take a retrospective view of recent history.

Still awaiting your links to support your claim.

(Isn't it funny that libtards post random links that don't address the OP claim and think they answered the question, and they punctate them with childish comments that, I guess, make them feel less like what they really are.)


Just like you these folks are mostly interesting and well educated.

I have to say that should Jon Huntsman win the Republican primaries I will have to take a good look at him. He is the most intelligent of them all hands down.
Intelligent? Love that leftwing elitist code word that means the candidate believes the same as the libtards. Isn't that what you guys said about Carterbama? How's that working out.

Carterbama may be "intellegent" but he is really not very smart. You might want to learn the difference.