Even Enron treated its employees better than this....


Really now, is there a room in Parsippany named Absurdity where the directors congregate to brainstorm the next illogical step they'll announce to the sales force? Layoffs, yes, I get it, most of us saw that one coming. But a voicemail saying just that and leaving us wondering when we'll hear anything else? That's just irritating. How can they make it even worse? Why not throw in a few extra hours of training each night for the next few weeks that, out of consideration for my business, I get to do on my personal time. I'm sure that guy deserves an extra 15 Arigato points!

I'm hoping to be part of the 10% that gets let go. Why not take volunteers? Do you really want someone like me around who recognizes bad management? Keep the people who believed Daiichi would never have a layoff because, as a Japanese company, that would be an embarrassment. If they believe anything, they can sell anything, right?