ev3 commissions


Ok, so it's the new year and changes should be made. I've been here a while and this "off-label" selling still scares me. The DOJ could easily come in and subpoena every one of us and either fine us or truck us off to jail for what we do day after day. This company pays us well and that's the only reason I stay, but they could easily pay us more for TurboHawk and balloons and back-off on us promoting our BILIARY stents in the Cath Labs! It scares me everyday and I worry about my family constantly. Time to wise up you Covidien bureaucrats and follow suit with what Medtronic just did. If not, it's going to be a big payout to the DOJ!!!!

Are you an idiot?
Keep your mouth shut & do what you need to do to make the # or leave. We already get $1000+ for each Turbo.

You seriously think they going to pay us more than that per device? Just flip all you Shawk business. I usually don't even ask the doc, just grab a Turbo, they don't care & sometimes even know the difference.

Chill. We have the cheapest billiary stent for a reason. It's a low cost leader. Use Ever to get in the door, use it in SFA and Iliac for a low price. Everyone does it. Throw in the COV rebate program when we get our hands on that and they'd be crazy not to use that stent. Ascend program w Premier is a great door opener as well. Marketing has done a great job of positioning Everflex where it can.

Get in the lab w Everflex biliary, grow your business in Turbo and balloons. That is where the money is. Get it while you can, no way Covidien keeps paying us the way they are.

Chill. We have the cheapest billiary stent for a reason. It's a low cost leader. Use Ever to get in the door, use it in SFA and Iliac for a low price. Everyone does it. Throw in the COV rebate program when we get our hands on that and they'd be crazy not to use that stent. Ascend program w Premier is a great door opener as well. Marketing has done a great job of positioning Everflex where it can.

Get in the lab w Everflex biliary, grow your business in Turbo and balloons. That is where the money is. Get it while you can, no way Covidien keeps paying us the way they are.

You just don't get it...we are the marketing department. That's the damn problem! I'm outta this place as soon as I can. I'm not going to be here when the DOJ comes around and holds us liable for the greed of this management team. I thought things might be a little different after the acquisition, but NOPE, it didn't change!

And for your information, this isn't Rob. It's the next extremely brilliant person who puts in their letter of resignation. I think I'll find a job not selling a damn off-label commodity!

Are you kidding?? They don't have the comp plan out yet. They going to figure out how to royally screw us after all the pressure to Load, Load, Load! We must be way off. I don't ever remember it being that bad?? Any long timers??

You really think so?
Just started so hope that is not the case!!! The last company I was with everyone talked about the glory days so hope I'm not going down the same road. If so, I was sold a bill of goods in the interview process.