Ethics of Romantic Relations with Doctors


What is the responsibility of B+L to monitor this behavior? Probably none as it would be impossible to prove an inappropriate association.

If you have dirtball doctors that are known you may want to change the sales rep to a professional rep that can handle the doc without an appearance of inappropriate liaisons. Arming the rep with Kung Fu to give a kick to the _________ when needed may help to.

not impossible. pretty easy. Doctors talk, reps talk, ophthalmology is a very incestuous environment. B&L has it in their code of conduct. No relationships with customers. They can axe her for it, if they wanted to. They have axed others for it and tried to axe others for it.

cafe pharma is getting so stupid, my post last night wasn't even approved. it's to the point you can't write anything about anything. you know they are flagging words like d i r e c t o r. k k p s it's so stupid. this site is lame now.

What is the responsibility of B+L to monitor this behavior? Probably none as it would be impossible to prove an inappropriate association.

If you have dirtball doctors that are known you may want to change the sales rep to a professional rep that can handle the doc without an appearance of inappropriate liaisons. Arming the rep with Kung Fu to give a kick to the _________ when needed may help to.

Policy: Sure, go ahead and F_ck em' but make sure we got the surgical business first.