Ethics and Compliance in Astellas Europe is a bad joke


"Compliance" here means "do what you're told" and there is nothing ethical about the tactics used to silence or remove anyone who dares speak up against the Ethics and Compliance organisation, or whistle-blow on anything that might make them look inadequate, amateur, power-crazed bullys. You'd think after the last awful PMCPA audit and subsequent senior staff firings there'd be a change in culture. Well there is -it's much worse. No one feels safe. Everyone is scared for their jobs and careers. Don't even think about working for Astellas Europe now and I hope the PMCPA see it for what it really is next time they come visit -a very sick organisation and a terrible place to work now. It's such a shame, it used to be great.

Northbrook is no different. Keep hiring big Pharma never beens that were promoted for no good reason now hoping that someone will be impressed with their career long incompetence.