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Ethicon, Covidien, or Applied?


I know this question is asked a thousand different ways and everyone has a different take, but I would like to know if these companies are really that different? I am looking at one of them and it seems to me that all of them have people who say good and bad things about them.

From someone who has been in this industry a while what are the key differences? Is there one company that is really better or worse? Is there a company that really seeks to build up the employee? I have been through several bad situations and I guess it does make me a bit cafeful this time around.

I'm not looking for a cakewalk but I also do not need to be treated like an idiot.

Thanks for any help.

I know this question is asked a thousand different ways and everyone has a different take, but I would like to know if these companies are really that different? I am looking at one of them and it seems to me that all of them have people who say good and bad things about them.

From someone who has been in this industry a while what are the key differences? Is there one company that is really better or worse? Is there a company that really seeks to build up the employee? I have been through several bad situations and I guess it does make me a bit cafeful this time around.

I'm not looking for a cakewalk but I also do not need to be treated like an idiot.

Thanks for any help.

Probably your first mistake is going on to CP to find accurate info. I can's speak for Applied or Covidien, as I have never worked for either. However, I have been with JNJ for 12 years, the last 7 with Ethicon. It is all about the manager you have. The good and bad thing about JNJ is they change all the time. I've had 8 managers in the last 12 years. If you have a bad one, a new one will replace them in a few months. Taking a broader look at the company as a whole, I like working at JNJ. THe benefits are good, the pay is fair, working conditions are adequate. when you take the emotion out of all the previous post about layoffs you begin to realize a headcount reduction every now and then is necessary to maintain the health of the company. its not a personal thing, its just necessary. is it better to cut 5% of your sales force so 95% get to have secure jobs? Also, everybody that I know that has been let go from JNJ has been treated very fairly. I like it here.

Probably your first mistake is going on to CP to find accurate info. I can's speak for Applied or Covidien, as I have never worked for either. However, I have been with JNJ for 12 years, the last 7 with Ethicon. It is all about the manager you have. The good and bad thing about JNJ is they change all the time. I've had 8 managers in the last 12 years. If you have a bad one, a new one will replace them in a few months. Taking a broader look at the company as a whole, I like working at JNJ. THe benefits are good, the pay is fair, working conditions are adequate. when you take the emotion out of all the previous post about layoffs you begin to realize a headcount reduction every now and then is necessary to maintain the health of the company. its not a personal thing, its just necessary. is it better to cut 5% of your sales force so 95% get to have secure jobs? Also, everybody that I know that has been let go from JNJ has been treated very fairly. I like it here.


(Giant red pitcher busts through brick wall....kids are at first astonished...then joy and delight breaks out as they realize it's a giant pitcher of berry delight Kool-Aid.

Why do you people always bring up JNJ? Are you embarrassed that you are actually Ethicon employees?


(Giant red pitcher busts through brick wall....kids are at first astonished...then joy and delight breaks out as they realize it's a giant pitcher of berry delight Kool-Aid.

Why do you people always bring up JNJ? Are you embarrassed that you are actually Ethicon employees?

Probably because our paychecks say JnJ, dork. Proud to be Ethicon- proud to be JnJ. Not perfect by any stretch- but you couldn't pay me enough to work at Covidien.

Probably your first mistake is going on to CP to find accurate info. I can's speak for Applied or Covidien, as I have never worked for either. However, I have been with JNJ for 12 years, the last 7 with Ethicon. It is all about the manager you have. The good and bad thing about JNJ is they change all the time. I've had 8 managers in the last 12 years. If you have a bad one, a new one will replace them in a few months. Taking a broader look at the company as a whole, I like working at JNJ. THe benefits are good, the pay is fair, working conditions are adequate. when you take the emotion out of all the previous post about layoffs you begin to realize a headcount reduction every now and then is necessary to maintain the health of the company. its not a personal thing, its just necessary. is it better to cut 5% of your sales force so 95% get to have secure jobs? Also, everybody that I know that has been let go from JNJ has been treated very fairly. I like it here.

I've been at all three (currently at one of them now). Replace the word JJ or Ethicon above and replace it with Covidien or Applied and you get about the same thing. A big part has to do with your manager.

I work for Ethicon and I'm pretty sure Covidien is about the same deal with the good and the bad but Applied is not even in the conversation. I've been in my territory 4 years and I've seen 6 different Applied reps and the turnover is not due to promotion. Applied is notoriously bad. Ethicon and Covidien will at least give you good training and a good foundation that is respected in med device.

It all depends what type of salesperson you desire to be. Clinical, seen as an asset by the surgeons- Go Ethicon. Relational, want to be the Surgeons friend - Covidien. Comodity, selling a product only because it's cheaper than the competition - Applied.

It all depends what type of salesperson you desire to be. Clinical, seen as an asset by the surgeons- Go Ethicon. Relational, want to be the Surgeons friend - Covidien. Comodity, selling a product only because it's cheaper than the competition - Applied.

You forgot to mention innovative products....Covidien. Covidien kicks Ethicon's ass in the market

What is a typical day in the field like? How much time in the OR, clinic, and other stuff. I have heard that it is long hours, but I'm not sure why? Seems like a simple product to use, do they need you there?

Right now Covidien is taking it to EES in two major areas.
1- Contracts. Ethicon would rather give up the business altogether than to be competitive with Covidien.
2- Backorders. EES has some GREAT products but if you cannot get those products in the hands of your accounts due to lack of supply those products don't matter.

The other major problem right now EES is experiencing is that only a few "select markets" get the latest and greatest products to sell. The problem is that the rest of us have the same quota to hit without access to our newest products.

Right now Covidien is taking it to EES in two major areas.
1- Contracts. Ethicon would rather give up the business altogether than to be competitive with Covidien.
2- Backorders. EES has some GREAT products but if you cannot get those products in the hands of your accounts due to lack of supply those products don't matter.

The other major problem right now EES is experiencing is that only a few "select markets" get the latest and greatest products to sell. The problem is that the rest of us have the same quota to hit without access to our newest products.

This is spot on. Funny how the reps with amp accounts turned on (and getting more turned on) are at plan or above and those of us that cannot get any accounts activated are below plan!

Right now Covidien is taking it to EES in two major areas.
1- Contracts. Ethicon would rather give up the business altogether than to be competitive with Covidien.
2- Backorders. EES has some GREAT products but if you cannot get those products in the hands of your accounts due to lack of supply those products don't matter.

The other major problem right now EES is experiencing is that only a few "select markets" get the latest and greatest products to sell. The problem is that the rest of us have the same quota to hit without access to our newest products.

2-Backorders.........given the history of EES these "backorders" quickly turn into recalls. Why? No quality control when the products are manufactured outside the USA. I got a suggestion: move your manufacturing back to the USA, that would justify the higher cost of the product!
I would pay more for product made in the USA any day and it would be a major selling point with customers.

2-Backorders.........given the history of EES these "backorders" quickly turn into recalls. Why? No quality control when the products are manufactured outside the USA. I got a suggestion: move your manufacturing back to the USA, that would justify the higher cost of the product!
I would pay more for product made in the USA any day and it would be a major selling point with customers.

Where is Applied's stuff made?

Where is Applied's stuff made?

Funny you should ask.....just called their customer relations number to ask, didn't get the run around, they didn't ask for my name, title, account number, etc.......(unlike the EES customer support who treat everything like it's top secret information but probably because our support people don't really know the fucking answers).
I digress...The answer? Applied's stuff is manufactured in the USA!! Manufactured IN CALIFORNIA and shipped out of NewYork.
I think that is a huge selling point for them, not to mention the fact that their products are less in price and still perform as intended!!! What I didn't ask was: are their products all currently available to all accounts? if they have any backorders? if they have any recalls?
If anyone is interested in getting the answers call 800.282.2212.
And NO, I'm not a troll who works for applied......I work for JNJ just like you guys!!!!

Funny you should ask.....just called their customer relations number to ask, didn't get the run around, they didn't ask for my name, title, account number, etc.......(unlike the EES customer support who treat everything like it's top secret information but probably because our support people don't really know the fucking answers).
I digress...The answer? Applied's stuff is manufactured in the USA!! Manufactured IN CALIFORNIA and shipped out of NewYork.
I think that is a huge selling point for them, not to mention the fact that their products are less in price and still perform as intended!!! What I didn't ask was: are their products all currently available to all accounts? if they have any backorders? if they have any recalls?
If anyone is interested in getting the answers call 800.282.2212.
And NO, I'm not a troll who works for applied......I work for JNJ just like you guys!!!!

Good post with good info...also, keep in mind that many of our products are considered commodity items now and best price can win by way of the purchasing department. Applied will continue to gain ground because no one needs to spend more money on trocars if necessary.

Funny you should ask.....just called their customer relations number to ask, didn't get the run around, they didn't ask for my name, title, account number, etc.......(unlike the EES customer support who treat everything like it's top secret information but probably because our support people don't really know the fucking answers).
I digress...The answer? Applied's stuff is manufactured in the USA!! Manufactured IN CALIFORNIA and shipped out of NewYork.
I think that is a huge selling point for them, not to mention the fact that their products are less in price and still perform as intended!!! What I didn't ask was: are their products all currently available to all accounts? if they have any backorders? if they have any recalls?
If anyone is interested in getting the answers call 800.282.2212.
And NO, I'm not a troll who works for applied......I work for JNJ just like you guys!!!!

Wait a minute, made in the USA? Made in California? Are you kidding me? And they're selling at a lower price than JJ who's manufacturing in some 3 world country? How the hell is this possible?

I called them too, got the same answer.....makes me sick to work for JNJ. and you wonder why our profits are so much higher....hmmmm, maybe because we have outsourced the manufacturing to countries whose workers make less than minimum wage, no benefits and JNJ gets a tax break from the US Govt to do it!! No wonder why JNJ serves up the Kool Aid.