
We're expanding and getting our asses kicked! Makes a lot of sense! Let's just hire a bunch of new reps....get smaller territories....and stick our thumbs up our asses and we'll grow again. Unbelievable logic here. And then in 6 months let's get rid of everyone again. Typical Genentech.

Just talked with recruiter and had the first impression with Genentech. As a first time outsider, it still has that special ring to say Genentech. However, after a little reading, it looks like a very watered down company that once was.....ruined by an outdated overbloated big pharma practices. Pipeline looks promising though across the board. Wish I had a crystal ball to know how it would all play out. Sorry to hear Esbriet is not going well. I was interested to learn more. Still a good company from my view.

As someone that works at Genentech- it is a highly political company to get ahead and it is who you know and whether that person or persons will vouch for you; a real shame as this is a company with good products, but HR and the culture here is terrible. Hiring practices really need to be closely looked at. Hire the right people for the right reasons; enough with the panel interviews and the paddy wagon pow wows...

Genentech can do much better!

Don't come to CP for intelligent feedback, it does not exist. IPF is a deadly disease, Esbriet may delay progression in many patients. The reps and managers who launched this product are working hard to support the pulmonary community and patients in many ways and we have been rewarded very well for this good work. Screw everyone else who says or thinks otherwise.

Just talked with recruiter and had the first impression with Genentech. As a first time outsider, it still has that special ring to say Genentech. However, after a little reading, it looks like a very watered down company that once was.....ruined by an outdated overbloated big pharma practices. Pipeline looks promising though across the board. Wish I had a crystal ball to know how it would all play out. Sorry to hear Esbriet is not going well. I was interested to learn more. Still a good company from my view.

Dude pipeline SUCKS compared to the past.

2015 is the ONLY year in GNE history of NO LIP for new molecules. 4 out of 5 molecules under LIP were from outside. So for spend of $1 bil a year for P and Gred - these scientists can only make claim to 1 lipped molecule.

SSF is bloated beyond with FTEs hiring contractors to do their job so they can spend time on special project to water down the convoluted as hell quality system and biz processes cfreated by OE aholes.

Thus ripe for nasty RIF in 2016 as it began with roaches from Basel announcing that 4 small molecule plants in Ireland, Italy, Spain and one here (only remaining in NA) in SC are closing. Heck roaches also closed Toluca last year and shuttered NUTley too so natural that the roaches clean houses in left coastie SSF goons.

Uh 1 more - most (like almost everybody) got RIFed at Intermune when roaches took it over. The capsules are outsoruced with active from Mexico (WTF?), capsule and pkg in US. Hmmm... so roaches are closing 4 SM plants and not making Esbriet which only means more outsourcing...

As someone that works at Genentech- it is a highly political company to get ahead and it is who you know and whether that person or persons will vouch for you; a real shame as this is a company with good products, but HR and the culture here is terrible. Hiring practices really need to be closely looked at. Hire the right people for the right reasons; enough with the panel interviews and the paddy wagon pow wows...

Genentech can do much better!

Yep you hit the nail on the head. Promotion? Only if you are total brown nosing ahole and it's who you know. Worst kind of passive aggressiveness with rigged 360 deg feedbacks galore. They have this "talent review" once a year which should be called talent assassinations for most and promotion for ass kissers.

Lot of internal job movements with jobs given to brown noser with NO experiences. it's like they're scared to bring outside SMEs. It gets me how I got hired 'cos too many good candidates are passed over for internal buffoons and 3rd rate outsiders are brought in via internal connections. It just boggles my mind who gets the job...

HR? What HR? You mean the idiots in B82 10th floor?

Bravo.....well said and all correct. I currently work at SSF, and the politics is as bad as it can be. I can name whole departments were 9 out of 10 simply don't have any experience in their current job. They may have great degrees, but no previous job experience. So they have to hire skilled and expensive contractor to do the work. I have seen FTEs at a meeting more than once unfairly blame contractors they manage for their own mistakes. Then go out of the meeting and redirect the contractors but mention nothing to them . In the meantime time the contractors reputation is ruined and will get dropped before their contract is up. Perception is everything here, facts and actual deliverables mean nothing, it all depends on if your friends are powerful.

Bravo.....well said and all correct. I currently work at SSF, and the politics is as bad as it can be. I can name whole departments were 9 out of 10 simply don't have any experience in their current job. They may have great degrees, but no previous job experience. So they have to hire skilled and expensive contractor to do the work. I have seen FTEs at a meeting more than once unfairly blame contractors they manage for their own mistakes. Then go out of the meeting and redirect the contractors but mention nothing to them . In the meantime time the contractors reputation is ruined and will get dropped before their contract is up. Perception is everything here, facts and actual deliverables mean nothing, it all depends on if your friends are powerful.

This poster NAILED IT!!!! Coming from external, I always had this impression that Genentech's people were par excellence- well that was dissipated very quickly.

Marketing, Training all push all their accountable and responsible work to agencies!
This place must be an agencies dream a gift that keeps giving due to the total lack of
skill and competence on the part of the Marketing and Training teams.

They are there to self promote and F everyone in their wake.

BS culture- just look at how some who have left GTECH and see how they have failed.
No wonder everyone talks about the HOW- since no one is focused on the task at hand- since they have an agency do their job- what is the point of having these Depts?

Total self promoting, self important, bloated ego's which is just evidence of the charlatans
we have running this place- Stockholders should be incensed

Carl Icahn would have a field day here