How are things going with the new product? I see a lot of job postings for this division.
Just talked with recruiter and had the first impression with Genentech. As a first time outsider, it still has that special ring to say Genentech. However, after a little reading, it looks like a very watered down company that once was.....ruined by an outdated overbloated big pharma practices. Pipeline looks promising though across the board. Wish I had a crystal ball to know how it would all play out. Sorry to hear Esbriet is not going well. I was interested to learn more. Still a good company from my view.
As someone that works at Genentech- it is a highly political company to get ahead and it is who you know and whether that person or persons will vouch for you; a real shame as this is a company with good products, but HR and the culture here is terrible. Hiring practices really need to be closely looked at. Hire the right people for the right reasons; enough with the panel interviews and the paddy wagon pow wows...
Genentech can do much better!
Bravo.....well said and all correct. I currently work at SSF, and the politics is as bad as it can be. I can name whole departments were 9 out of 10 simply don't have any experience in their current job. They may have great degrees, but no previous job experience. So they have to hire skilled and expensive contractor to do the work. I have seen FTEs at a meeting more than once unfairly blame contractors they manage for their own mistakes. Then go out of the meeting and redirect the contractors but mention nothing to them . In the meantime time the contractors reputation is ruined and will get dropped before their contract is up. Perception is everything here, facts and actual deliverables mean nothing, it all depends on if your friends are powerful.