Esbriet Sales Layoffs


It may be layoff time. Sales team way too big and inefficient especially in this rare disease space. The weak primary care sales force in place needs adjusting and stands larger than many brands with greater sales. They can bring in the same revenue with 50% of the sales force they have now. Most CS's have only 2-3 days of work to do, some less.

It may be layoff time. Sales team way too big and inefficient especially in this rare disease space. The weak primary care sales force in place needs adjusting and stands larger than many brands with greater sales. They can bring in the same revenue with 50% of the sales force they have now. Most CS's have only 2-3 days of work to do, some less.

Most CS's have only 2-3 days of work to do, some less

Pal, you just described the entire bio onc division. They're lucky to get in 1 day per week of field work. They keep all that dead weight in place.

As a tenured field based sales specialist for many years, Genentech is over inflated with reps and nepotism that is horrible. This company is a shell of what it used to be...Biosimilars are coming!!!! Onc and RA folks be afraid!!!!!

There are ipf positions posted online. Seems like they are hiring for it so hopefully all is well with it. There's always new stuff on the horizon, have to work with what we have.

As a tenured field based sales specialist for many years, Genentech is over inflated with reps and nepotism that is horrible. This company is a shell of what it used to be...Biosimilars are coming!!!! Onc and RA folks be afraid!!!!!

Correctamundo and we have the mfg/supply chain goons in SSF who helped Samsung by literally transplant SSF DS plant there, taught them everything (yeah even convoluted quality system SSF is infamous for) and helped them pass the coveted FDA Pre Approval Inspection for Rituxan (hear that Onc and RA reps?).

GNE sent army of people to Samsung and heard that often there were 20+ people sent from all over SSF at ONE time when they "smelled" successful tech transfer to take credit for themselves of course.