Erick B conference call


wth happened on that call? He went for over an hour and rambled about nonsense. Was it me or did the rest of you think the same thing? How were the western region calls?

Erick B - The person who is kind to you, but undercuts you when you aren't around. A wolf in disguise. A wolf in sheep's clothing might pick your brain for ideas and then pass them off as their own to get a promotion. They're always looking out for themselves at the expense of everyone around them.

This has been his history and he will not change. It is this flaw, among many, that makes him a shitty manager(he isn't a leader). He gets on our call and sounded like he was lying on a couch talking to his psychiatrist about some text message he received that hurt his feelings.

Well clearly I'm naive. I like him. Beat me up if you want because I don't know him as well as some of the others, but I feel he's pretty sincere in trying to create a work place where people feel they're being treated fairly and rewarded for hard work. I don't see why that's such a bad thing. There are a lot of spoiled people on this site. The thought of going back to pharma and roll playing with my manager before every call makes me want to stick forks in my eyes but if you don't like it here, have at the pharma world kids. Go get that $6 quarterly bonus if you hit your number. #ballin You WILL come crawling back. I support him and have hope he's leading us in the right direction. That's all we can do is hope and have faith. And collect huge checks along the way. To much complaining. Now only if I could just get someone from IT to call me back....

Erick B - The person who is kind to you, but undercuts you when you aren't around. A wolf in disguise. A wolf in sheep's clothing might pick your brain for ideas and then pass them off as their own to get a promotion. They're always looking out for themselves at the expense of everyone around them.

This has been his history and he will not change. It is this flaw, among many, that makes him a shitty manager(he isn't a leader). He gets on our call and sounded like he was lying on a couch talking to his psychiatrist about some text message he received that hurt his feelings.

Give Erick a break. He's a nice guy that only wants the best for this company. He has transformed many things that have made us better.

Erick B - The person who is kind to you, but undercuts you when you aren't around. A wolf in disguise. A wolf in sheep's clothing might pick your brain for ideas and then pass them off as their own to get a promotion. They're always looking out for themselves at the expense of everyone around them.

This has been his history and he will not change. It is this flaw, among many, that makes him a shitty manager(he isn't a leader). He gets on our call and sounded like he was lying on a couch talking to his psychiatrist about some text message he received that hurt his feelings.

Whoever wrote this must have known EB a long time because this statement is very very accurate.

The Non Compete is a BS move to keep people here, The Goals are sooo backasswards that the people at the bottom of last year's numbers are at the top this year. Name a good leader in A/C? Stay here make money or move on to bigger and better when the new toxins/fillers products launch - IN A DIFF COUNTY - if you were dumb enough to sign that paper. Now EB stop messing with the Comp Plan and pay us bitch!

The Non Compete is a BS move to keep people here, The Goals are sooo backasswards that the people at the bottom of last year's numbers are at the top this year. Name a good leader in A/C? Stay here make money or move on to bigger and better when the new toxins/fillers products launch - IN A DIFF COUNTY - if you were dumb enough to sign that paper. Now EB stop messing with the Comp Plan and pay us bitch!

You are right on! in some cases when you know the right people your quota stays super low! Another Galderma BS! How does that work!? If you finish the year #6 in the country and in q1 hit all your gps and finish 125% ! Three years in a Row! and by first month q2 you are at 80%! BS!! It’s called very low quota not a rock star rep! Some people continue to get extremely low quotas and act like they work so hard!
So backwards! Never seen anything like it!

Erick B - The person who is kind to you, but undercuts you when you aren't around. A wolf in disguise. A wolf in sheep's clothing might pick your brain for ideas and then pass them off as their own to get a promotion. They're always looking out for themselves at the expense of everyone around them.

This has been his history and he will not change. It is this flaw, among many, that makes him a shitty manager(he isn't a leader). He gets on our call and sounded like he was lying on a couch talking to his psychiatrist about some text message he received that hurt his feelings.

LOL so true