

Your "fleet" person drove a vehicle from the dealership around the block and back, looked at the Element lease price and checked the box "CHEAP".

Was any consideration given to the hours, miles, days, aka length of time reps would be living in these cars? The comfort is zero. I'm paying more for a chiropractor than I would to lease my own vehicle. The Equinoxvehicle seat is not well designed for anyone short, medium or tall.

Have you given consideration to listening to the reps experiencing health issues due to the cheap vehicle selected for fleet? Either the managers are not telling you or you ignore them.

Anyone else out there... or are you all chained to your golden handcuff steering wheel ?

The 2016 Malibu did it to me-uncomfortable seat with no spine support & so low to the ground for getting in out for 8-10 calls a day! Go to Relax ther Back store & get insert...pay $400 but back pain goes away!