EPBU contract

I don't need Merck to invest more into resources, I need a salary adjustment. (Not a 2% cost of living raise.) We were hired for one job and now doing another. They are getting a lot for the hourly pay and no benefits.

Why are we having a big meeting in Sept if contract is over in June? Seems like a waste of time and resources

What I have heard is, they are going to have the meeting but no cars.
If numbers do not improve soon, the contract will end in June as planned.
Someone that went to a new training class said they even said it was going until June but do not know past that .
Who knows?

Its the same old naysyers as usual..thread number 8 should eirher quit or be thankful she has employment

Thread number 8 is only speaking the truth! Merck is now trying to get blood out of a turnip. This whole ROME situation has been a complete nightmare! It has taken myself and my counterparts a whole lot longer to sign in than the 15 minutes than stated. And some of us are still not on the system and that's time that we are NOT going to get paid for!

Why are we having a big meeting in Sept if contract is over in June? Seems like a waste of time and resources

Been on plenty of contracts where the 'big' meeting was held and a few months later contract is cancelled. Basically these big meetings have already been budgeted and the time line was set for them from the very beginning of the contract..remember contracts have plenty of out clauses for the client company..so even the top brass really can't say with straight face how long any contract will last.

Having been through many of these moments, I can say speculation here is never accurate, and news always comes late. In the EPBU's case, it has always been good.

If you take the time to read back (don't, it's a waste of time) you will find authoritative sounding warnings about the imminent demise of the EPBU. Based on those, this gig should have been up years ago. We all know that didn't happen.

Past history can't predict the future, as we all know, but past history in this case should steer anyone from relying on "news" here.

The EPBU is an extraordinary value proposition. Very strong reps with a a perfect motivational fit, in general. Are there some who don't fit? Sure! but I think they represent about one or two percent. They aren't bad people, they just have the wrong job.

The rest are pretty happy. From my experience, they are really happy, and effective. My advice would be to keep being happy and effective.

Of course I know this is read by a very small fraction of the EPBU, because I have studied it, but it's okay to drop in.

Keep selling well! Hard to argue you aren't the best of the best. Harder to argue you are not effective. Easy to argue predictions here are not reliable.

I want you to win. Again. So, go out and do that. :)