
Really the only concern is about the reps? HA.... a joke and a half. Geez the world has plenty of reps and usually are a dime a dozen. Everyone needs to calm down until the day where i see the paperwork officially stamped 'SOLD' i wouldn't buy into any hype. Time will tell and then we can worry about the 'reps'....

Don't worry...this company (Enzo), will slowly suck the life out of itself and die. See what happened to the $65 Million raised 4 years ago-gone! Only $15 million left-at a burn rate of $100K per day (As of Oct 1); At this rate, today-30 days later-they are probably down to $12 Million-and by March 1-all gone! :)
Make sure you start looking for a sales job-nobody is going to "buy" nothing- :(