Enough Already


Can we spend one more minute on a webex or conference call where we are told to ask questions and when we do we are told we don't know, but control what you can control and sell the two products you have now. Then we have to do more work by taking the stupid fucking course on change. Fuck you Eisai.

My sentiments exactly! I don't need to learn to manage change. I'm in pharma. I have experienced change by fire. I need to know if I have a job.

Will this turn into management ass kissers keeping their jobs? Even those with shitty numbers? That's what we want to know. Will there be a change from project mirai? How do you change the mirai when the mirai is now? Do you start with the present and slash, slash, slash?

Michael, you said that the best people will be retained. How is that determined? DM or RBD opinion? Do we need to start cannibalizing one another to ensure management knows who goes home at 130, who calls on long dead doctors... let me know. I have a list. Just kidding. give me the package.

My sentiments exactly! I don't need to learn to manage change. I'm in pharma. I have experienced change by fire. I need to know if I have a job.

Will this turn into management ass kissers keeping their jobs? Even those with shitty numbers? That's what we want to know. Will there be a change from project mirai? How do you change the mirai when the mirai is now? Do you start with the present and slash, slash, slash?

Michael, you said that the best people will be retained. How is that determined? DM or RBD opinion? Do we need to start cannibalizing one another to ensure management knows who goes home at 130, who calls on long dead doctors... let me know. I have a list. Just kidding. give me the package.

The decision has been made. Get ready to be knocked out of your territory if you didn't ass kiss OB, your RD and your DM. You will be replaced with someone from another sales force that did. Even if their current numbers suck.

My district has had THREE conf calls where we are told how we perform in the next TWO weeks is going to be taken into consideration. And to all the questions we ask(mind you, the same ones we've been asking for weeks), we are told, there are no answers. Then we get a lesson on how to "reframe change" so we can give them even more? The arrogance of this company is astounding. I don't have a problem with the fact I may get let go----but handle this issue with honesty and cut the corporate pychobabble. Just stop being assholes about it already.

This place is being managed by delusional leadership in the U S that is a cross between Alice in Wonderland and Mr. Roger's Neighborhood. There is so much evidence that they are clueless it's embarrasing.

If we don't do the module on change, what are they going to do, fire us? Doesn't even sound like they're tracking who takes it. I'm spending my time looking for a new job, rather than taking that "learning" opportunity.