
Freakin' Schrader knew he had to fire bunch of good people in phase II and is bolting out. They told him to either fire people or say goodbye to his sorry ass out of Rochester. So he is leaving Rochester. What a freakin' useless moron.

Doubt that was the case although I do believe Global Engineering will have significant reductions in force. If that were the case, Mike would not have a any position in the new organization. Valeant does not seem to be a company that would tolerate refusal to follow direction and let someone remain employed. More likely that their wasn't a position at his level so he was offered an alternative. Hope we know our fate sooner rather than later though. The suspense is chilling.

Freakin' Schrader knew he had to fire bunch of good people in phase II and is bolting out. They told him to either fire people or say goodbye to his sorry ass out of Rochester. So he is leaving Rochester. What a freakin' useless moron.

What do you expect from an ex-Kodak flunky. He got what he deserved after what he did to a lot of good people that used to work for him...hope Vaquero is shown the same door....

Doubt that was the case although I do believe Global Engineering will have significant reductions in force. If that were the case, Mike would not have a any position in the new organization. Valeant does not seem to be a company that would tolerate refusal to follow direction and let someone remain employed. More likely that their wasn't a position at his level so he was offered an alternative. Hope we know our fate sooner rather than later though. The suspense is chilling.

Schrader would fire his own mother if it meant saving his own of luck to the good people that are still with Global Engineering in Rochester (senior leaders not included)

Schrader would fire his own mother if it meant saving his own of luck to the good people that are still with Global Engineering in Rochester (senior leaders not included)

a number of people in were in engineering are now gone. Any idea how many? Is Shrader still there? His leadership team?

Never can read the title of this thread without thinking of 'Eduneering.' Those of you who know what this is will understand the mockery of the brain trust that came up with this and remember the day all of our in-boxes were full of it and most of us deleted it thinking it was spam.