

Looking for some information regarding Endologix. I was contacted by a recruiter. Apparently they are ramping up and have supposedly addressed most of the issues with leadership.

I've been in device for almost 20 years - but have no coronary/vascular experience.

From what research I've done, it seems they are a 2nd or 3rd rate player in the AAA market. I'm looking for some honest feedback as to:

Market share vs competitors
Contracts with GPO's
Perception with docs

The base is attractive enough to make me consider getting into the interview process. Recruiter is telling me $250k is realistic...so let's pretend $200k is realistic.

Thanks for your objective feedback...
The highest paid rep in Cook's history, probably made $150,000. $250? $200? I think you spoke to a recruiter for a different company.

Yes, you're probably right about Cook's pay.

But - the reason I posted on the Cook board is that Cook has a device (Cook Zenith) that competes in the same space as Endologix. It is used for AAA procedures (vascular).