Endo Rehiring?


I have been contacted by a recruiter to set-up an interview for the Endo contract. I got on here to see what's going on with Endo...if it was a new contract, someone left territory,etc....so what happened? Did Endo come through and fire some of the CSO reps and now they're rehiring for those territories? Sounds like an absolute nightmare.

I have been contacted by a recruiter to set-up an interview for the Endo contract. I got on here to see what's going on with Endo...if it was a new contract, someone left territory,etc....so what happened? Did Endo come through and fire some of the CSO reps and now they're rehiring for those territories? Sounds like an absolute nightmare.

They just let go about 30% of Endo and Inventiv reps due to "restructuring." It was a nightmare. Now, they are filling a few spots. I do know they hired a new rep about 2 months ago, went through training, only to be let go . If you ask any Endo or Inventiv rep, we are all waiting for the other shoe to drop.