Endo manager for Tulsa Area

Howdy, Doody! Lol!

MM is comical to look at but a real a** to deal with. He is probably one of the most inept managers there is. Put he and his boss together and you have a train wreck waiting to happen. Look what has happend in a few months this year. He is very, very bottom of the nation. The guy is hot. He and his team iare being looked at daily for poor performance. Where is the direction Mark? No orginal thoughts or thinking/ideas.

It's no secret when you're being looked at/micromanaged DAILY, it's time to start looking for a new job because its not long before they put u on an unrealistic performance plan youre never going to achieve.....

This guy is very weak. He is one of the weakest managers in the company and is distrusted and has no respect by his reps. Actually, we call his boss for anything needed quite regularly.

You mean Curly? This guy is a control freak with authority issues. You should hear him at ou meetings. Quickly on his way out!

This guy is very weak. He is one of the weakest managers in the company and is distrusted and has no respect by his reps. Actually, we call his boss for anything needed quite regularly.

Marcus is a joke. I was a manager for 9 years with another company and can tell you first hand he is terrible at his job and clueless soul. I had first hand dealings with him. The poor guy has no idea how to deal with his peeps. He is all about himself and is extremely shady. I bask in the turmoil and peril that is about to be thrust upon him. He deserves what he gets!

Know what is amusing? This ding dong was top manager in the country last year and bragged how "he" got it done. He never would admit to anyone that it was all good fortune as contracts went his and his teams way. Never would even closely acknowledge that was the possibility. Publically stated it was how well he managed his people. Well guess what, easy come, easy go! This lummox is now 2nd to last in the nation at 85% to plan for overall surgical device from the latest reports and falling.

Nice dose of reality to a cocky disheveled mess! You are only as good as the territory you manage and the breaks given to you by contracting.

Better have that resume ready big boy!