End of Entresto contract


check your email tonight - Novartis just uninvited us to the Novartis national mtg citing there is nothing covered that impacts Amplity, ie it’s been fun but there’s the door. Just keep selling up until May1st and thanks in advance...
Amplity is currently trying to find a way to tell the sales force there is an online course titled ‘Impactful resume writing!’

Entresto is doing great in sales. Why would NVS end the contract? Makes sense they want to discuss "sensitive company info" that we're not privy to.

Why are you such an alarmist??

Be grateful we don't have to go. Coronavirus concerns, not to mention BORING meetings. And the rest of the crap that goes along with NVS.

Get me out of here!!!

check your email tonight - Novartis just uninvited us to the Novartis national mtg citing there is nothing covered that impacts Amplity, ie it’s been fun but there’s the door. Just keep selling up until May1st and thanks in advance...
Amplity is currently trying to find a way to tell the sales force there is an online course titled ‘Impactful resume writing!’

NVS isn't getting rid of any contract reps. Why would they? 50% less salary than a NVS rep for doing the exact same job and they get to beat on you like a dog 2x a month. If anything they should down size their own people and keep Amblity Reps. They have dream w/ Ambility.

Looks like Frank, Cedric, George, or the RFC have entered the Thread. You really think Novartis is having a 5 day meeting to talk about pipeline and career opportunities. You could do that on a 2 hour skype call. Just waiting on the what is best for business call to happen in the next couple month. Duane is old school big pharma and hates contract reps. This is what is going to happen. Contract is going down. Novartis will expand, and some of the Amplity people will be able to interview for those jobs, but don't count on being picked over outside candidates. Amplity gets paid everyday you are in the field, so they will say whatever they have to so you don't leave and cost them money until they drop you. You think if they really wanted us it would take until May to get the contract signed. How hard is it signing the same contract you have used for 4 years. If you and your family needs your paycheck and you are not out looking starting today you are nuts. All we will hear from this point on is false promises about one team and expansion that doesn't include us. Do any of you feel like one team or red head step children. Sorry it sucks, but that is the answer. Believe it or not, but it is the truth. Good luck on your job hunt.

I’m more disappointed about these lies then anything. It’s very evident Amplity contract reps will be gone soon. Novartis talks about being transparent and having integrity but continue to treat Amplity with disrespect.

NVS isn't getting rid of any contract reps. Why would they? 50% less salary than a NVS rep for doing the exact same job and they get to beat on you like a dog 2x a month. If anything they should down size their own people and keep Amblity Reps. They have dream w/ Ambility.

Sales are strong but it’s not from the Amplity targets. Entresto isn’t a pcp drug and never will be. After 5 years and increased sov, nothing has changed. Start looking for another thin now!