Employees are fed up with work environment


Dear People at the Top(you’re not leaders)

Your employees are embarrassed, over stressed, tired of being blamed for your executional in-effective planning, your lack of organizational planning, lack of strategic guidance, and how the sales team is consistently being blamed and forced to clean up your crap show!
Leaders who reschedule calls and make comments like we need to review your business. Yet- offer no guidance or suggestions to help grow business or fix the operational issues. Here’s an idea- quit buying hospital systems, acquiring new labs, and take care of the problems you have now. New initiatives and you can’t get it operational and the sales team has to fix. When do to think they have time to sell?
LC is a classic example of growing too big, too woke, too focused on the old boys networks. You promote people who cannot lead, you do not hold leaders or OPERATIONS accountable, yet you want to come after the sales teams.
Spouses, employees, and medical professionals are ready to let you go. You have no goodwill with them. You have no credibility in the market or Industry.

Dear People at the Top(you’re not leaders)

Your employees are embarrassed, over stressed, tired of being blamed for your executional in-effective planning, your lack of organizational planning, lack of strategic guidance, and how the sales team is consistently being blamed and forced to clean up your crap show!
Leaders who reschedule calls and make comments like we need to review your business. Yet- offer no guidance or suggestions to help grow business or fix the operational issues. Here’s an idea- quit buying hospital systems, acquiring new labs, and take care of the problems you have now. New initiatives and you can’t get it operational and the sales team has to fix. When do to think they have time to sell?
LC is a classic example of growing too big, too woke, too focused on the old boys networks. You promote people who cannot lead, you do not hold leaders or OPERATIONS accountable, yet you want to come after the sales teams.
Spouses, employees, and medical professionals are ready to let you go. You have no goodwill with them. You have no credibility in the market or Industry.

Honestly, how anyone with talent can work for this company is beyond me. The “leaders” all have their own make it to the top agendas at the expense of everyone and anything in their way. The compensation plan is horrible as compared to other opportunities. There are some really smart and inspired people on the sales team in the NE that are holding themselves back by being with this God awful BS company. If you’re happy with very mediocre compensation, ridiculous reporting, and managers only out for their own gain..then stay. They rope you in and I get that, but trust me. Take the plunge and let your wings fly!

West Division is the absolute worst. RTT treats Sales like children, we’re micromanaged to hell and and we get blamed for low sales due to their crappy decisions. The Lab can’t lab and our TATs are horrendous, especially paps and have been for months. Not enough PSCs and they close because they’re understaffed. We have very little admin staff and basically sales has to do everything including billing. I could go on but…Get out there and sell!!! And don’t forget to log that visit and put it in your pipeline. TOO MUCH STRESS

People people. Please stop bellyaching. Take it from me, there are many better options out there. Working for LCA is truly the worst. They will use you as long as they need you then spit you out. This is not a disgruntled ex employee. Just speaking the truth. Trust me, go spread your wings and be appreciated and earn what you are truly worth.

West Division is the absolute worst. RTT treats Sales like children, we’re micromanaged to hell and and we get blamed for low sales due to their crappy decisions. The Lab can’t lab and our TATs are horrendous, especially paps and have been for months. Not enough PSCs and they close because they’re understaffed. We have very little admin staff and basically sales has to do everything including billing. I could go on but…Get out there and sell!!! And don’t forget to log that visit and put it in your pipeline. TOO MUCH STRESS

The 3 wisemen (RTT) have lifted the hiring freeze on phlebotomists. Duh? Aren’t we in the business of drawing and testing blood? How do you do that if you’re short staffed on phlebotomists? They aren’t making budget so the 3 idiots decided to put a hiring freeze on phlebotomists (and all employees) Smart huh? Now we are short staffed and have to take turns closing patient service centers around the state of CA because we are short staffed on phlebotomists. Try explaining that to your Doctors who complain about PSC’s randomly closing for up to a week because of no staff to run it. LabCorp does not care about their patients. They just care about making their budgets so senior management can get paid their bonuses. I think patients whose insurance companies are contracted with LC should issue a class action lawsuit again them. They are taking turns temporarily closing draw stations due to an employee shortage that they created. Senior management in CA is seriously screwing up our entire state. We have HMO contracts. Is this legal?

Dear People at the Top(you’re not leaders)

Your employees are embarrassed, over stressed, tired of being blamed for your executional in-effective planning, your lack of organizational planning, lack of strategic guidance, and how the sales team is consistently being blamed and forced to clean up your crap show!
Leaders who reschedule calls and make comments like we need to review your business. Yet- offer no guidance or suggestions to help grow business or fix the operational issues. Here’s an idea- quit buying hospital systems, acquiring new labs, and take care of the problems you have now. New initiatives and you can’t get it operational and the sales team has to fix. When do to think they have time to sell?
LC is a classic example of growing too big, too woke, too focused on the old boys networks. You promote people who cannot lead, you do not hold leaders or OPERATIONS accountable, yet you want to come after the sales teams.
Spouses, employees, and medical professionals are ready to let you go. You have no goodwill with them. You have no credibility in the market or Industry.

Tread lightly, I made a complaint after working in the industry for since 2000 and haven't been able to get a job in healthcare ever since. Not being gainfully employed has caused financial devastation. I had a professional reference checker call my boss and caught her being disparaging. In the beginning everything was hacked in my home that I no longer own. Ipads, PCs, router and alarm system. I have been followed and stalked relentlessly.

Tread lightly, I made a complaint after working in the industry for since 2000 and haven't been able to get a job in healthcare ever since. Not being gainfully employed has caused financial devastation. I had a professional reference checker call my boss and caught her being disparaging. In the beginning everything was hacked in my home that I no longer own. Ipads, PCs, router and alarm system. I have been followed and stalked relentlessly.

In other words, your a pathetic loser destined for a life time of entitlements just like all the illegals.

In other words, your a pathetic loser destined for a life time of entitlements just like all the illegals.

Is that pathetic POS company still taking accounts away from reps after 2 years? Or dramatically lowering their commissions on them after 2 years?

LabCrap is the biggest ripoff lab. How any rep works for them is beyond me. It’s nothing short of slavery.

In NYC, half the YT managers are prejudiced Repubs. Working in NYC, I find that funny. They can’t even walk a territory with their rep out of fear….lmao