Employee Opinion Survey


Are they going to share the results with all of us or will the new CEO say she's all about transperency and "telling us like it is" while brushing things under the rug?

Hercules to the rescue!!! The Executive group of folks that have brought the circumstances where everyone is fleeing will fix it. That is why 2 additional NAMs have left since the meeting. The non disclosure and continued employee loss tell you everything.

It is all lip service. Plus the fact that 5 people left training in the last year before it ended.


...I guess most of the survey is tucked nicely under the booze-stained rug.

It is ironic that "they" would put the people who have contributed so much to the misery of the Field on the Hercules project...DB, really? Isn't he the one who sets goals, product weightings and all that IC that led to the departure of so many good (and underpaid) reps? The RDs...yeah - they know how to fix it. They've done a great job keeping their DMs in place as well as so many reps. It might be bad everywhere...but the other companies haven't screwed us yet and there's always that 6mth - 1 year honeymoon stage. So many in my district are looking to get out - I remember when letting others know you were looking elsewhere was taboo. Now it's talked about more than Obamacare. I bet everytime anyone leaves their cell phone blows up with calls from those who are left behind looking to see if there's a chance they can move into the same company... so so sad...