Emails /Numbers/Social media of Pfizer

Let's collect info of upper managers so we can message them on not eliminating jobs!! I'll take screen shots as well. Make this public and shame greed!

You 're a perfect example of greed yourself. You want to keep a cash flow stream to your own benefit, even if a new company and the shareholders don't need you. Their job is to respond to shareholders, not to you. Sell your labor and human capital to another buyer in any industry. Oh, what? Other firms in other industries don't pay as much? Or, your skills aren't marketable? Or, don't want to give up the company car? 2 words for ya: You're greedy. You took the job here, and left your prior employer for better job. That makes you greedy too. Greed is a motivator, it's not a vice. Employers and employees want better for themselves..they act in self interest, not just YOUR interest.

You're greedy. Not a bad thing. But also rather immature, but that's another thread. What if you find a new higher paying job, and move on next week? Going for the higher paycheck at another employer makes YOU greedy. See, it's a free market. You sell your labor, and employers rent it.

I dare you to proceed, with your name at top of list, also public. Here's my promise: you'll be the first to be sacked. Bad karma.

Most idiotic post I have seen in quite some time.

Idiotic post. Right now my spouse works for a company where they know they will be outsourced next year. A manager started a petition with workers in an effort to seek support to save their jobs. Result, she was suspended from work without pay and her job is in jeopardy - and this is no where near the magnitude of a Pharmaceutical buy out.

Idiotic post. Right now my spouse works for a company where they know they will be outsourced next year. A manager started a petition with workers in an effort to seek support to save their jobs. Result, she was suspended from work without pay and her job is in jeopardy - and this is no where near the magnitude of a Pharmaceutical buy out.
This is Pfizer we are talking about, not some candy factory. They can buy us with petty cash. If they want us then they will take us, gut us, sell off the unnecessary assets and bury the memories. What a shame that what once started as an AZ of promise and change or is the hope and change. Oh, that is another losers motto. Hope and Change, Hope and Change, Bruhahhhaahaaa!!!

No you clowns, I wouldn't put my real name on the contacting. Just like you don't put your real name on here?

YOU are the one instigating the charade. So brave you are. So you wanna post the email addy ' sand contact info for a bunch of people you don't know, for the singular purpose of creating a ruckus. Do tell us then, how do YOU plan to communicate your desires once you have all these email addresses posted? Gonna identify yourself then to the folks you're emailing? Hm? The consensus, and the facts, show conclusively that you've made the stupidest post ever on CP. Most immature also. Mommy and daddy belong to a labor union maybe? Go file a grievance.

So the typical option is to complain, spread rumors, and lay down then see what happens. I am suggesting soliciting people who matter and having a physical record of doing so. Why???? That way you have names and faces if there is a layoff. If Pfizer gives you the boot with multiple names attached then you have a chance for some public outrage since job cuts are not popular.

The last thing anyone wants is to be the scapegoat, with our crazy online world any injustice can spread like wildfire.

I've watched when names are attached in the past and it isn't pleasant to be associated for axing hundreds or thousands of jobs.

If you think my idea is crazy, just remember Pfizer will layoff not specific names.

What are your ideas???? Sit there and take it?? Yeah that has a great track record.

Actually this is a good idea..... Those who think its a bad one are prolly corporate monitors and are putting their linkedin pages on private as we speak.

Hide those pictures and last names ;)

Actually this is a good idea..... Those who think its a bad one are prolly corporate monitors and are putting their linkedin pages on private as we speak.

Hide those pictures and last names ;)

Nice try, replying in support of your own idiotic idea! You don't think there was a TON of press regarding prior mass layoffs of Pharmacia and Wyeth people? There was you simpleton, it made NO difference. Actually investors and Wall Street loved it, Pfizer was already too big and this meant cost savings...

Press is one thing,it's what you do with it. You either use what you have or just take what's coming to you.

These companies have everything lined up to own you, it's funny when someone on here suggests that you use your voice and tools available to you that it causes outrage.

I've seen the same ole act on here, no action, troll boards, complain, overly negative, and the list goes on. As I've seen the same act with companies. They have money to employ people, it's bs wall street reasons they cut everyone. Fight back.

That stupid 99% campaign caused outrage and got no where. Imagine if names were attached to that, hmmm. I've watched investigative reporters for years change things in a instance just because the backlash from THEIR name being attached. Trust me this isn't a simpleton or crazy idea. It's using resources.

If Pfizer buys AZ you are all so screwed. It will be brutal. The few survivors will be tied up so tightly with rules, metrics, management oversight and inadequate budgets that they will wish they had been laid off. You all have my sympathies.....