Email From John Young President Primary Care


Yes that whole letter was code for layoffs....I agree, although I c them happening mid 2013.
I didnt see code.
I read, get ready for the ride. We've been here before.
No spiriva or celebrex. Big John has no choice to cut.
But, 1st he has to ensure he squeezes the last bit of life from the sales force this year.

Code for layoffs.

People are fleeing primary care for the hills. No code needed to know layoffs are coming. The ridiculous micro-managing will fail and reps will be blamed then cut.

Code not needed.

This was the 6 month pre warning (in the spirit of transparency).. Ie problem (reduced money in Primary care) / Solution we have to look at our resources (i.e. most expensive resource is people) and make decisions. Does anyone really believe we will say what the heck lets just keep everyone in these difficult times. I agree they will announce reorganization in December (Deja vu)/January and let people know in January or february. Would you really be surprised??

Code for layoffs.

People are fleeing primary care for the hills. No code needed to know layoffs are coming. The ridiculous micro-managing will fail and reps will be blamed then cut.

Code not needed.

Managers will be cut first, then reps if needed. Going to a more productive model (i.e. much larger districts)

Somebody still has to sell Lyrica and Eliquis. We are contractually obligated to provide a SOV that virtually guarantees we can't lay anyone off. I sure hope most of the people posting on here are trolls; I hate to think we've got reps this stupid on the payroll.

The only people going away in 2013 are those on a plan. So if you're on a plan, you better either slob some knob or find a new job.

Post a copy?

If you're an employee, you already have a copy - try checking your inbox.

If you're not an employee, it's none of your goddamn business (and confidential internal corporate communication, so if anyone is stupid enough to link it, I hope they get fired).

It's just standard boilerplate folks. If you hav e a good relationship with your state director or RBU GM, you can get a feel for what the next 2-3 years will be like. And I don't foresee layoffs. I would strongly recommend staying off of a plan though...

If you're an employee, you already have a copy - try checking your inbox.

If you're not an employee, it's none of your goddamn business (and confidential internal corporate communication, so if anyone is stupid enough to link it, I hope they get fired).

It's just standard boilerplate folks. If you hav e a good relationship with your state director or RBU GM, you can get a feel for what the next 2-3 years will be like. And I don't foresee layoffs. I would strongly recommend staying off of a plan though...

We don't care what YOU "foresee". You sound like some young, jacked up Director using your trumped up "Plan" BS to intimidate good people. Why not just keep your mouth shut.

I wonder how many RD have told their DMs that the must have at least 1 person on a plan. Typical pressure from above which ay be totally unwarranted but spinner to be good for development. Have seen it before!

I wonder how many RD have told their DMs that the must have at least 1 person on a plan. Typical pressure from above which ay be totally unwarranted but spinner to be good for development. Have seen it before!

There are discussions. Usually the person who is DAL (dead ass last) or someone causing trouble on the team. The process usually starts with a Drug Test, then Inventory Audit and/or Expense Report audit. If they can't get any dirt there, they will put rep on a PIP.

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