Eisai's Alzheimer's hopeful lecanemab may have contributed to patient death: report | Fierce Biotech


Son of Aduhell sounds like a winner.

Nonbinary spawn of aduhell.

Why are analysts falling for this crap again? It sounds like the same thing. Clinically meaningless efficacy, known safety issues, and more f-ups to come from Eisai/Biogen. Eisai is generally incompetent but ill give them credit to date for not overplaying a weak hand (unlike Biogen)

Death of patient in lecanemab trial raises concern

Although Eisai and Biogen’s experimental Alzheimer’s drug, lecanemab, was shown recently to slow cognitive decline, it may have contributed to the death of a patient, STAT's Jason Mast reports. The death, which was in May, was caused in part by bleeding in the brain. An investigator believes it was linked to lecanemab, documents obtained by STAT show. Eisai instead highlighted other possible factors, including a number of recent incidents — falls, a heart attack, a respiratory infection, and mini-stroke-like events.

Still, the death illustrates how lecanemab carries a significant risk of swelling and bleeding in the brain, particularly among patients on blood thinners. The patient who died took Eliquis for atrial fibrillation. More than 8 million Americans take these drugs for similar reasons.

“It is a tough issue, because so many older adults are on anticoagulants, and if that means they can’t take these medications, that’s going to be a big deal,” one of the trial investigators told STAT.

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Death of patient in lecanemab trial raises concern

Although Eisai and Biogen’s experimental Alzheimer’s drug, lecanemab, was shown recently to slow cognitive decline, it may have contributed to the death of a patient, STAT's Jason Mast reports. The death, which was in May, was caused in part by bleeding in the brain. An investigator believes it was linked to lecanemab, documents obtained by STAT show. Eisai instead highlighted other possible factors, including a number of recent incidents — falls, a heart attack, a respiratory infection, and mini-stroke-like events.

Still, the death illustrates how lecanemab carries a significant risk of swelling and bleeding in the brain, particularly among patients on blood thinners. The patient who died took Eliquis for atrial fibrillation. More than 8 million Americans take these drugs for similar reasons.

“It is a tough issue, because so many older adults are on anticoagulants, and if that means they can’t take these medications, that’s going to be a big deal,” one of the trial investigators told STAT.

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ARIA-E/H is a common side effect of all anti-aB mAb's. It is an on target side effect. No anti-aBeta mAb will ever not have the edema and hemorrhages.