Eisai Executives having their Deposition taken in Qui Tam Lawsuit


Just read it here, half way down page:


"The deposition notice was served to Eisai. The Deposition will start next Monday, August 29, 2011."

Yes, yes yes!!

Since this will be publicly available somebody please get copies of the deposition then post on the internet. Time to revolt!!

Who will be deposed?? Does anybody know?


What a toxic place to work. Are you all so unemployable that you're stuck at that dump?

There was guilty management before LM and still some guilty management.
I just want to know so bad who is going to be deposed.
If anybody finds out please post.

The guilty management (LM) is long gone. I do like it here on the onc side asshole. I'm not brain dead just happy with mgr, drugs, salary,etc.

The place was a mess before LM landed there and became more of a mess while she was there. But remained a mess after she departed. That tells you that the dysfunction and total implosion in that palce is due to those in current leadership there.