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Eisai, Biogen rocked by 2nd lecanemab death report ahead of Alzheimer's data reveal | Fierce Biotech


Well we see more data tonight right?

Clinically meaningful efficacy as weighed against safety

(and quote "Rudolph Castellani, a Northwestern University Medical Center neuropathologist who autopsied the body at the request of the patient’s husband, is quoted in Science as being unequivocal about the role lecanemab played in the death. Talking in a personal capacity, Castellani is reported as saying: “There’s zero doubt in my mind that this is a treatment-caused illness and death. If the patient hadn’t been on lecanemab she would be alive today.”")

Well we see more data tonight right?

Clinically meaningful efficacy as weighed against safety

(and quote "Rudolph Castellani, a Northwestern University Medical Center neuropathologist who autopsied the body at the request of the patient’s husband, is quoted in Science as being unequivocal about the role lecanemab played in the death. Talking in a personal capacity, Castellani is reported as saying: “There’s zero doubt in my mind that this is a treatment-caused illness and death. If the patient hadn’t been on lecanemab she would be alive today.”")

Ouch! That's going to leave a mark

That’s terrible for this patient and her family. I am interested to see how they balance the safety risks in the data today. Also, can’t believe the “never getting” guy hasn’t been on this thread yet.

Ouch! That's going to leave a mark

If the drug had meaningful efficacy, i think patients and doctors might be ok with the burden and dangers. And try to manage care or exclude patients at higher risk.

The problem is this happened in a clinical trial at a top medical center (that wont be the norm). And the 25% reduction in rate of decline (ie 3 yrs of decline over 4 years) if it holds isnt very clically meaningful it seems.

We shall see.

Biogen is just trudging forward with exactly the same gameplay they used for Adu. This drug will be another massive failure, even with slightly (and I stress ‘slightly’) better data than what Adu had. I’m not sure how any of the leaders of this company keep their jobs. They learned nothing from their mistakes and changed nothing for the next product.

if anyone reading this is considering posting for a job at Biogen, please don’t do it. This is a mismanaged company on a spiral downward….and those in charge look at their employees as stupid and expendable. It’s a terrible place to work. The only good part of being fired by Deb on video was getting paid to leave this shitshow of a company. I didn’t realize it at the time, but those of us who were fired were the lucky ones.

I’m so sick of the media’s BS on this. Look at the CDR-SB & what half a point is in early stages. I’m an APOE-4 carrier. You bet your ass I would take this drug if I had AD! There’s a chance that it can be a bigger difference from placebo with longer term use. These are old people. They are going to die from all types of shit. If your doctor is an idiot then that’s not the fault of the drug (like the one patient for whom they actually tied the drug to the cause of death with Adu - the radiologist did not catch a very obvious ARIA and THEN the treating doctor told her husband to have her stay at home vs going to the hospital when she had blatant symptoms - yes it’s pubic info). People die on the drug I sell all of the time. Hell, plenty die before they start it. I do not envy those that end up selling this drug. It will be frustrating as hell trying to combat the stupidity from the press and a few butt hurt idiot doctors who aren’t even experts in the disease state. It’s damn shame for patients who should at least have the choice.

I’m so sick of the media’s BS on this. Look at the CDR-SB & what half a point is in early stages. I’m an APOE-4 carrier. You bet your ass I would take this drug if I had AD! There’s a chance that it can be a bigger difference from placebo with longer term use. These are old people. They are going to die from all types of shit. If your doctor is an idiot then that’s not the fault of the drug (like the one patient for whom they actually tied the drug to the cause of death with Adu - the radiologist did not catch a very obvious ARIA and THEN the treating doctor told her husband to have her stay at home vs going to the hospital when she had blatant symptoms - yes it’s pubic info). People die on the drug I sell all of the time. Hell, plenty die before they start it. I do not envy those that end up selling this drug. It will be frustrating as hell trying to combat the stupidity from the press and a few butt hurt idiot doctors who aren’t even experts in the disease state. It’s damn shame for patients who should at least have the choice.

I’m not sure everyone carries your same willingness to engage in the level of risk that’s clearly associated with the drug. Your personal feelings aren’t good medicine nor are they a guide for others’ health decisions - they’re just your feelings. The facts associated with this drug is that it displays marginal (if any) benefit for a small subset of patients, coupled with a high incidence of ARIA and, it appears, a small risk of drug-related death. You might be fine with that; others may not be fine. But, to say that it’s media hyperinflation of the situation that would keep people from taking this drug is simply foolish. There are real risks and limited reward. That’s not enough for many families.