Eight signs your company is planning layoffs


This is not whining and complaining post. This is state of affairs analysis.
I would love to hear opposite arguments in an adult manner.

Let's review the known facts.

1.One product is responsible for 90+% of revenue of the company and there's no active promotion of the product. Revenue of this product is sliding down in double digits annually and it will accelerate this year.
2.There are over a 100 lawsuits pending against opioid manufacturers including PP and it costs $ regardless of wins of loses. This is never ending money pit.
3.SROU call two days ago. Focus on non-branded education might be a part of future settlements with states and municipalities. It's a long shot that might help them get off the hook for less $ if plaintiffs agree. So Blue and Purple are sort of back up plan. Nothing personal, but $4k bonus for not selling anything?! How long that's gonna last?
4.Blues and Purples are not required to talk about any branded products. It means that there is some flexibility in the contract with Shionogi regarding number of reps and calls. Shionogi doesn't have too many choices either because it would be hard to find a partner for the shit product that designed for the market declining in double digits. Timney was duped or desperate to sign any deal. I guess board wasn't much smarter either.
5.Let's be realistic: there will be no new product launch this year. What gives it away is no other National Meeting scheduled in 2018.
6.Cost cutting: the worst and cheapest national meeting ever (prefixed team dinner, really! kiddie park dinner finale), cars at 75k miles, home office staff stripped down to bare bones, lunches down to $15 nationwide (NJ is just an excuse because there are 4 states where lunches are not allowed for years), etc.
7. Very important! Annual reviews are ready but DMs can't tell us the score until it's approved by Marv and Phil. R&F is big deal. So "slackers" beware (sarcastic here)! It's reminiscent of July realignment when DM/RD had no say in it. That is very worrisome.
8. CEO presented budget to board for approval on January 18th and we got invitation for SROU call next day. What a coincidence. FYI, part of the budget is salary funds down to Region and District. From there they calculate cost per call. R&F must be fulfilled to maintain budgeted cost per call. There will be layoffs if these funds are reduced. Obviously, reps with the most expensive cost per call are primary layoff candidates. Btw, it's all documented in Phoenix....

Some might say why all these gloom and doom. I say, recall the last good news you heard from anywhere in the company, top to bottom. There are no good news or excitement even from upper management during town halls, conference calls and district meetings in the last few months. 3 new scripts this week doesn't count )) Please share if you heard anything good.

Each of this facts doesn't mean anything on its own but you start seeing a pattern when you put it together. PP can fulfill its promise "not walking away from pain patients" without sales force. Actually they already do. As we speak PP continues to manufacture opioids and sell it to wholesalers without any help from sales force. They can always cut their loses with Shionogi contract and walk away. I would've done this exactly if it was my company. Nothing personal. Just business.

That makes "we need sales force" statement not very convincing. Besides PP downsized and ramp up sales force before when they needed it. Remember that?

Layoffs are coming and it's only matter of when and how severe, not if. I suspect, sometime between March and June.

Please, please, please prove me wrong!


This is not whining and complaining post. This is state of affairs analysis.
I would love to hear opposite arguments in an adult manner.

Let's review the known facts.

1.One product is responsible for 90+% of revenue of the company and there's no active promotion of the product. Revenue of this product is sliding down in double digits annually and it will accelerate this year.
2.There are over a 100 lawsuits pending against opioid manufacturers including PP and it costs $ regardless of wins of loses. This is never ending money pit.
3.SROU call two days ago. Focus on non-branded education might be a part of future settlements with states and municipalities. It's a long shot that might help them get off the hook for less $ if plaintiffs agree. So Blue and Purple are sort of back up plan. Nothing personal, but $4k bonus for not selling anything?! How long that's gonna last?
4.Blues and Purples are not required to talk about any branded products. It means that there is some flexibility in the contract with Shionogi regarding number of reps and calls. Shionogi doesn't have too many choices either because it would be hard to find a partner for the shit product that designed for the market declining in double digits. Timney was duped or desperate to sign any deal. I guess board wasn't much smarter either.
5.Let's be realistic: there will be no new product launch this year. What gives it away is no other National Meeting scheduled in 2018.
6.Cost cutting: the worst and cheapest national meeting ever (prefixed team dinner, really! kiddie park dinner finale), cars at 75k miles, home office staff stripped down to bare bones, lunches down to $15 nationwide (NJ is just an excuse because there are 4 states where lunches are not allowed for years), etc.
7. Very important! Annual reviews are ready but DMs can't tell us the score until it's approved by Marv and Phil. R&F is big deal. So "slackers" beware (sarcastic here)! It's reminiscent of July realignment when DM/RD had no say in it. That is very worrisome.
8. CEO presented budget to board for approval on January 18th and we got invitation for SROU call next day. What a coincidence. FYI, part of the budget is salary funds down to Region and District. From there they calculate cost per call. R&F must be fulfilled to maintain budgeted cost per call. There will be layoffs if these funds are reduced. Obviously, reps with the most expensive cost per call are primary layoff candidates. Btw, it's all documented in Phoenix....

Some might say why all these gloom and doom. I say, recall the last good news you heard from anywhere in the company, top to bottom. There are no good news or excitement even from upper management during town halls, conference calls and district meetings in the last few months. 3 new scripts this week doesn't count )) Please share if you heard anything good.

Each of this facts doesn't mean anything on its own but you start seeing a pattern when you put it together. PP can fulfill its promise "not walking away from pain patients" without sales force. Actually they already do. As we speak PP continues to manufacture opioids and sell it to wholesalers without any help from sales force. They can always cut their loses with Shionogi contract and walk away. I would've done this exactly if it was my company. Nothing personal. Just business.

That makes "we need sales force" statement not very convincing. Besides PP downsized and ramp up sales force before when they needed it. Remember that?

Layoffs are coming and it's only matter of when and how severe, not if. I suspect, sometime between March and June.

Please, please, please prove me wrong!

YOU are wrong! YOU know NOTHING. There will be NO layoffs, NO downsizing, even well after June, 2018!
YOU offer only made- up "jaded" reasoning why YOU believe layoffs will occur. Will YOU have the guts and common decency to admit YOU are wrong?? Probably not! YOU have assumed much too much!
There isn't even the slightest EVIDENCE of any impending layoffs!!

YOU are wrong! YOU know NOTHING. There will be NO layoffs, NO downsizing, even well after June, 2018!
YOU offer only made- up "jaded" reasoning why YOU believe layoffs will occur. Will YOU have the guts and common decency to admit YOU are wrong?? Probably not! YOU have assumed much too much!
There isn't even the slightest EVIDENCE of any impending layoffs!!

With great pleasure, I will admit that I'm wrong when you provide other reasoning other than exclamation marks.
Give me a few examples of positive news from our leadership! Give me one!
Do you agree that PP one product company and it doesn't need sales force to promote it?
Do you agree that sales of that one product on downward trajectory?
Does the company has a replacement for it?
If H. couldn't do it, S. would never catch up? S. It's a product for dying market. It's like trying to sell CD player now. Sure, some people will buy it but can you sustain entire company on one weak product? For how long?

Agree with all except maybe timing. If it’s not in next 2-3 weeks then it will be later half of Q2. They won’t have us all come to NSM and have layoffs right after. It will be before(next 2-3 weeks) or a few months after.

YOU are wrong! YOU know NOTHING. There will be NO layoffs, NO downsizing, even well after June, 2018!
YOU offer only made- up "jaded" reasoning why YOU believe layoffs will occur. Will YOU have the guts and common decency to admit YOU are wrong?? Probably not! YOU have assumed much too much!
There isn't even the slightest EVIDENCE of any impending layoffs!!
Go feed your cat loser

It will be before 2/14/18 Towne Hall meeting. DBMS have been asked to jot complete Year end assessments until after calibrations in second week of Feb 2018. Watch for a mandatory webex or conference call in next 2 weeks.

March will be a great month!!!!

I receive my bonus, Purdue Pharma L.P., is going to give me a paid vacation to Orlando, FL, and I'm going to resign the first week of April (in order to recieve my Q1 bonus) to start my new job!!!!

March & April and 2018 is shaping up to be pretty good. Find your silver lining and do not let anyone dictate your happiness!

Whoever the naysayer is, is obviously in the minority on this subject ... Hey way to think half full, but you are desperately incorrect if you can’t see the signs.. were you a communicators major that somehow got into sales? Cmon person , quit living the dream and be an analyst and understand these threads .. if I am wrong I will admit it. But this PP story isint adding up anytime or anymore.. get some strategic thinking and see the writing on the BORDER WALL, Mexico won’t pay and neither will PP.. !

It is incredible, how DUMB a human being can be! I shake my head in disgust at the made- up LIES!

What LIES? Original post is based on well know facts to everyone. The obvious conclusion is company needs to downsize to survive financially. DUMB humans are those who look at the smoke and say there's no fire....