Eight Employees Per Boss


Sales terminated managers to get to eight reps per boss. Finance and headquarters should do the same thing. Bean counters have one or two or less than eight per boss.

Fair is Fair.

2 + 2 does not equal 8.


Sales terminated managers to get to eight reps per boss. Finance and headquarters should do the same thing. Bean counters have one or two or less than eight per boss.

Fair is Fair.

2 + 2 does not equal 8.

Managers should have a minimum of 15 reps. I think there needs to be another round of manager layoffs if all this accomplished was giving each manager 8 reps

Is headquarters bloated?

Headquarters has too many queens{}kings and not enough worker bees?

Total cost for executive director is half million? Instead worker bee is hundred?

Costs stock owners huge dollars? Billions in market cap? Or Hundreds of millions?

Does Board receive reports on functions with highest manager to worker ratio?

Is Finance highest manager to worker ratio?

Reduce forty million in annual headquarters expenses and stock goes up billion?

Managers should have a minimum of 15 reps. I think there needs to be another round of manager layoffs if all this accomplished was giving each manager 8 reps

I will have eight reps that I can harass out of the company - 90% of them are useless slackers and whiners. As I get them to leave I get a bonus - easy work.

Managers should have a minimum of 15 reps. I think there needs to be another round of manager layoffs if all this accomplished was giving each manager 8 reps

spoken by someone who has not had the experience of managing people. seriously, how many of you even work 6 hours a day, how many of you do what the company pays you to do? Whether you agree with it or not, its the job you have and if you don't like it, please do your manager a favor and leave. You will find that working for any other company in any other industry is much harder, you have so much freedom and autonomy here -- you don't even know it. If this is the only thing you have ever done, you have no clue about the "real" world so quit your bitching and do you job. Don't believe me? Work anywhere else for a year then come back here.

spoken by someone who has not had the experience of managing people. seriously, how many of you even work 6 hours a day, how many of you do what the company pays you to do? Whether you agree with it or not, its the job you have and if you don't like it, please do your manager a favor and leave. You will find that working for any other company in any other industry is much harder, you have so much freedom and autonomy here -- you don't even know it. If this is the only thing you have ever done, you have no clue about the "real" world so quit your bitching and do you job. Don't believe me? Work anywhere else for a year then come back here.

I did. I laugh every time I think of my former CTL. His pot of gold with Merck at the end of his career will never equal to mine. He, like you, can continue to pretend to be useful and important while I count the real money in my accounts.

I will have eight reps that I can harass out of the company - 90% of them are useless slackers and whiners. As I get them to leave I get a bonus - easy work.

That is funny. They said all the "useless" reps are now gone after each wave of layoff starting 5 or 6 years ago. By now you should have the brightest and totally motivated, not slacker and whiner reps left.

That is funny. They said all the "useless" reps are now gone after each wave of layoff starting 5 or 6 years ago. By now you should have the brightest and totally motivated, not slacker and whiner reps left.

They don't, know it as of now but come October they will bygones. I hope you are among those chosen!

spoken by someone who has not had the experience of managing people. seriously, how many of you even work 6 hours a day, how many of you do what the company pays you to do? Whether you agree with it or not, its the job you have and if you don't like it, please do your manager a favor and leave. You will find that working for any other company in any other industry is much harder, you have so much freedom and autonomy here -- you don't even know it. If this is the only thing you have ever done, you have no clue about the "real" world so quit your bitching and do you job. Don't believe me? Work anywhere else for a year then come back here.

The company pays me to hit a goal. It doesn't matter if I work 10 hours or 5 my payout is the same and if you've been managing people long you would know that's all that matters....unless you're a micro manager who wants their reps in the field all day everyday but who as a rep cut out of the field at 2. Right? I thought so.