
Interesting how the far left in the home office haven't sent out any emails regarding President Trump almost getting his head blown off, when a few years ago we were getting weekly sympathetic to the cause emails when Antifa and BLM were burning the country down. The silence is deafening.

They are so far left, they don’t care about the right. They just think they are RIGHT about everything. Pushing out age and color doesn’t make you Right. This is the WRONG ABBV. Fire the Fat Markley’s and Jason Haffey’s and John Drum’s of the world. Wear MaGA hats “Make Abbvie Great Again”.

They are so far left, they don’t care about the right. They just think they are RIGHT about everything. Pushing out age and color doesn’t make you Right. This is the WRONG ABBV. Fire the Fat Markley’s and Jason Haffey’s and John Drum’s of the world. Wear MaGA hats “Make Abbvie Great Again”.