
So.... When do you think it will be officially pulled and we will completely stop promoting it?

I dont think its going to be Edarbi but more likely Dex. At the most recent POA, our Area Manager said that as a company, we are going to be more strategic with products in their life cycles. He mentioned drugs at there 5yr mark and if its necessary for us to promote it.

I expect them to take Dex away, give the Alo products to the reps that only have the gout product and give the gout to the reps that had edarbi. They will just adjust the % for each product. Dex will be given to SagePath, like everyone has been talking about for the past 3 years.

There's a place for the Edarbi family, you'll see once the new guidelines are announced. It actually has a brighter future than Dexilant with Nexium going generic. You'll see.

There's a place for the Edarbi family, you'll see once the new guidelines are announced. It actually has a brighter future than Dexilant with Nexium going generic. You'll see.

Don't see how that is possible. I'm getting about 5 Exarbi scripts a week and do easily more than 100 Dexilant scripts a week.

why would the company give ALO to the gout franchise? I thought they would be the only sales force that would NOT get ALO.

Most reps that have gout only have 2 products where the others have 3. And there is no gout sales force as the company continues to say we will be changing your bag mix often because of 4 new product launches in 2 years (hopefully). And of course good ole footprint planning.

60% of gout patients have T2D, makes too much sense to give the gout reps ALO. I doubt Takeda would make such a smart business decision.

There is also a huge crossover of T2D with hypertension. Would make more sense to have Edarbi family and Alo family, more relevant to our customers than the gout crossover. Endos are treating hypertension, they aren't treating gout.