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Edarbi discontinuation question??


I didnt sell this product but have heard from my partners that TAK did not handle the sell off of Edarbi very well in regard to physicians who actually were ON board using Edarbi. One minute we were selling it and the next we werent with absolutely no communication or support from our sales force to the new one. If this is true, I just laugh to myself when thinking about how we claim it's "all about the patient." If it was truly about the patient shouldn't there have been a seamless transition so docs and patients werent left in the lurch? Just have to laugh to myself. They should just cut the crap with all their stupid rhetoric. We know all they care about is the bottom line so take your BS and dump it somewhere useful like into a garden for manure.


I didnt sell this product but have heard from my partners that TAK did not handle the sell off of Edarbi very well in regard to physicians who actually were ON board using Edarbi. One minute we were selling it and the next we werent with absolutely no communication or support from our sales force to the new one. If this is true, I just laugh to myself when thinking about how we claim it's "all about the patient." If it was truly about the patient shouldn't there have been a seamless transition so docs and patients werent left in the lurch? Just have to laugh to myself. They should just cut the crap with all their stupid rhetoric. We know all they care about is the bottom line so take your BS and dump it somewhere useful like into a garden for manure.

Actually, our takeda selling model changed from patient to physician a few years back. It's amazing that you work here and don't know this. Maybe you should pay attention to those long boring meetings we have discussing this crap. Who is telling you it's all about the patient?

I didnt sell this product but have heard from my partners that TAK did not handle the sell off of Edarbi very well in regard to physicians who actually were ON board using Edarbi. One minute we were selling it and the next we werent with absolutely no communication or support from our sales force to the new one. If this is true, I just laugh to myself when thinking about how we claim it's "all about the patient." If it was truly about the patient shouldn't there have been a seamless transition so docs and patients werent left in the lurch? Just have to laugh to myself. They should just cut the crap with all their stupid rhetoric. We know all they care about is the bottom line so take your BS and dump it somewhere useful like into a garden for manure.

Stop the clock. Are you saying that patients are "left in the lurch" because they don't have access to Edarbi samples due to disruption caused by product transition to another company? Stop it. That is asinine. If production at the factory stopped and patients couldn't fill scripts and their BP skyrocketed as a result - ok then you have a point. But not getting samples to offices means Takeda doesn't care about patients? Stop it

Stop the clock. Are you saying that patients are "left in the lurch" because they don't have access to Edarbi samples due to disruption caused by product transition to another company? Stop it. That is asinine. If production at the factory stopped and patients couldn't fill scripts and their BP skyrocketed as a result - ok then you have a point. But not getting samples to offices means Takeda doesn't care about patients? Stop it

Oh yeah..I forgot.. our only job is to give out samples?? Did you forget that we are supposed to SELL and be the voice for the all the patients with uncontrolled hypertension. The lurch is that there is no presence to remind physicians that they have another option. I have already had docs ask what happened to my Edarbi rep. I can already hear your snarky response so save your breath and put it a sock in it you arse.

Oh yeah..I forgot.. our only job is to give out samples?? Did you forget that we are supposed to SELL and be the voice for the all the patients with uncontrolled hypertension. The lurch is that there is no presence to remind physicians that they have another option. I have already had docs ask what happened to my Edarbi rep. I can already hear your snarky response so save your breath and put it a sock in it you arse.

You are the voice for all patients? Oh crap

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