Scientists predict a doubling of patients every 21 days. Folks, that mean over 400000 infected by X-MAS, with a death rate that is at least 50% and is trending up from there.

So reps, how comfortable are you walking in a hospital or going into a clinic or doctor's office?

The end of days? Or part of agenda 21? Or something else? Who knows, but whatever, it is getting damn scary out there.
When will pharma cancel meetings that require plane rides for attendees? How bad will it get before they act? One person, two need to contract the virus first? If they die, will the company be ready to be sued for huge sums by the deceased's family?


Stop with the hysteria. I still have my Y2k food, hurricane supplies and SARS virus supplies that were never needed. Yes, EBOLA is deadly but holy crap, enough of run to the hills crap.
And, if pharma should end rep travel, guess what, you're not needed anymore- You're fired.

You all laugh. I said PLANES. Now there is a possibly of Ebola in Boston. Bury your fuckin' head in the sand. Ever hear of a pandemic? For the person that said they have all their preparations from other "events"...good. You may need them.

How bad will it get? Did you know there are several hundred thousand heretically sealed plastic coffins at the ready already purchased by OUR gov't? Why the F would they need these?


So, what's your angle here? You want the recognition of being able to say "remember where you heard it first?" Why do you get off on trying to create panic?
I'm not saying EBOLA ain't the worse, but hysteria can be dangerous too. Shall we all run around with our hands in the air screaming?
WTF are we supposed to do- start a union so we don't have to fly anywhere?
So, dude, stop with trying to drum up panic and worry about yourself; not everyone else

And now we know the 2nd patient flew Frontier air the day before symptoms started. You idiot still think we won't see it metastasize from here? WHO says 10000 new infections a month. Wake up!