Duped much?


Where are all the hopelessly optimistic fools who sang from the rooftops that Eisai is going to be a “world class oncology company”? That “I’m at Eisai Oncology to build something from the ground up”! Where are those people now? What are your thoughts about Eisai now? This place is the laughing stock of the industry…especially in oncology. Look at all the people from Ligand and MGI who left…what do you think they are saying about Eisai Oncology? The Amgen’s and now SS…what do you think they are saying about Eisai? Think it doesn’t matter? Think again. Eisai’s reputation in oncology, which it has been in for less than five years, is already tarnished. From other industry people to our own HCP’s who saw great relationships at Ligand and MGI dissolve under Eisai’s rule, this place is viewed as a bottom of the barrel company. I’m out…signed my new job offer letter today, good luck to you all!

A year ago, we were building something good here in oncology. We complained but deep down we believed in the management. What are we now? The whole place is dead. Every good work we did went down the drain. To the previous managemnt of Oncology: I appologize

To the current regime: you are a disgrace

Where are all the hopelessly optimistic fools who sang from the rooftops that Eisai is going to be a “world class oncology company”? That “I’m at Eisai Oncology to build something from the ground up”! Where are those people now? What are your thoughts about Eisai now? This place is the laughing stock of the industry…especially in oncology. Look at all the people from Ligand and MGI who left…what do you think they are saying about Eisai Oncology? The Amgen’s and now SS…what do you think they are saying about Eisai? Think it doesn’t matter? Think again. Eisai’s reputation in oncology, which it has been in for less than five years, is already tarnished. From other industry people to our own HCP’s who saw great relationships at Ligand and MGI dissolve under Eisai’s rule, this place is viewed as a bottom of the barrel company. I’m out…signed my new job offer letter today, good luck to you all!

First of all, CONGRATULATIONS!!! I hope that I will be out of here soon as well. It is really sad that one of the physicians who helped out with the certification process at the National sales meeting told me afterwards that some of the reps "needed alot of help". I explained to this person that there are alot of new people in oncology that have been recently promoted from primary care who have only a few years of experience in pharma sales period. I was truly embarrassed to have to make up excuses for the quality of the sales force. Very sad, but true.

First of all, CONGRATULATIONS!!! I hope that I will be out of here soon as well. It is really sad that one of the physicians who helped out with the certification process at the National sales meeting told me afterwards that some of the reps "needed alot of help". I explained to this person that there are alot of new people in oncology that have been recently promoted from primary care who have only a few years of experience in pharma sales period. I was truly embarrassed to have to make up excuses for the quality of the sales force. Very sad, but true.

Thanks. And best of luck to you. I know it is embarrassing! I still never say I work for Eisai I say I work for MGI who was ‘recently’ acquired by a Japanese Primary Care company called Eisai.

We had it good during the previous regime and didn't know it until it was too late and OB had already arrived. It is a shame but we are partly to blame for the OB's carnage.

We had it good during the previous regime and didn't know it until it was too late and OB had already arrived. It is a shame but we are partly to blame for the OB's carnage.

Nah I disagree. LM and CS where bad as well and I believe that they got the ball of negativity at Eisai rolling along. It’s analogous to asking what is worse, death by drowning or being burned at the steak? They are both horrible but I’m sure some would choose one over the other. We didn’t have it good under the Amgens, sure you could argue it is worse now, but that doesn’t make the Amgens good.

The previous regime will get a hero welcome here. Oncology used to get respect when they were here. Do you like OB and SS? Did anything improve? Are we better off today than we were a year ago? No

How is DT remaining when others who are more talented and could pronounce colleague's names, such as CU, etc are leaving? When will Japan realzie he is the cancer growing on oncology?

CU??? Gimme a break. Drift wood...

As for DT, this will be the last company to make him a VP of anything....

Yeah, that may be so, but all he has to do is maneuver some more on the sinking ship and before you know it they'll make him the captain. Do you think any real leader in his/her right mind would touch this ship?