

the one decent thing this company had was the beautiful resort we had our national meeting in Arizona --- this year we have to go to harrah's in armpit Atlantic city.... Seriously? We can't at least get Vegas? Scumbag central.... Gross!

Zoll is more like Rocky (parts filmed in AC) in the way that they will both be triumphant in the end (Rocky II). That's why AC was chosen as a symbolic meeting place. Let's rally together and take this company to the next level.

Are they seriously having a national sales meeting in NJ?
At least have it in Newark so you can fly in and not have to sit in a taxi for an hour and a half.
Enjoy the........

Are they seriously having a national sales meeting in NJ?
At least have it in Newark so you can fly in and not have to sit in a taxi for an hour and a half.
Enjoy the........

You stupid shithead. Fly into Philly and then the cab is 40 minutes. Also, this is going to be HUGE!! We are going to make ZOLL GREAT AGAIN!!

You stupid shithead. Fly into Philly and then the cab is 40 minutes. Also, this is going to be HUGE!! We are going to make ZOLL GREAT AGAIN!!

Yeah and then expense the cab ride and have it be denied when you submit it. Do what I do when Zoll has meetings.... Sorry uncle joe passed away. Catch you next time. Ra Ra go team and all that bullshit. I'll be home with my feet in the coffee table thinking of you poor suckers.

the one decent thing this company had was the beautiful resort we had our national meeting in Arizona --- this year we have to go to harrah's in armpit Atlantic city.... Seriously? We can't at least get Vegas? Scumbag central.... Gross!

Be grateful Zoll is spending $30 a night (last time I checked) on us for 2 whole days for the annual sales meeting. AC totally fits JW's leadership themes - Slimey, cheap, unethical and going down so fast even a presidential candidate would bail!

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