Dumbass spammer


Who is the dumb ass mofo who sent that email to All US employees today? Dumb ass move on his part and way to call attention to himself. My bet is he will be Fired tomorrow


Who is the dumb ass mofo who sent that email to All US employees today? Dumb ass move on his part and way to call attention to himself. My bet is he will be Fired tomorrow

It was a big pharma rep. This place is a circus of incomptence and corruption. What do you expect morons like big pharma reps to do? Something smart?

Oh, I don't know...............zipping through deleting them became rather entertaining after a while....everyone going buggy trying to get off the list & yelling at others not to "reply all", all the !!!!! flying to & fro. Kinda nice to have a light moment. And, just think, your DSM, RSD & on up probably got all that mess too.

Oh, I don't know...............zipping through deleting them became rather entertaining after a while....everyone going buggy trying to get off the list & yelling at others not to "reply all", all the !!!!! flying to & fro. Kinda nice to have a light moment. And, just think, your DSM, RSD & on up probably got all that mess too.

Totally agree, it was comical after awhile!