Dumb buyer and soon


B+L will not find a dumb buyer. Cleaning house is the only way to turn this company around but the CEO does not have the will or experience to do it. What will happen in 2012 is the same thing that happened in 2008-2011. Slow removal of people but no bold steps.

Have a fun 2012.

B+L will not find a dumb buyer. Cleaning house is the only way to turn this company around but the CEO does not have the will or experience to do it. What will happen in 2012 is the same thing that happened in 2008-2011. Slow removal of people but no bold steps.

Have a fun 2012.

4 years is way beyond the time that WP wanted to keep this company. All potential sales have been gone over many times and there are no buyers.

This means change is inevitable. The most likely problem for the sale is that the three divisions in B&L are not operated as three totally distinct business units. For example, many people in R&D work in one division and report to a boss that is responsible for activities in more than one division.

When one department covers more than one division then a potential buyer sees that their purchase could be diluted substantially as the departments are separated for the sale. Likely the new buyer would get the worst of personnel in each department that has to be split up.

Because a new buyer can not "see" the end result of their purchase (which people do they get, which products, which buildings, how much of the IP) a sale of one of the divisions can not be made.

Only solution for this company is to make a complete reorganization that clearly shows that the three business units are truely separate from each other.

If all of the Pharma operations in Rochester were moved to NJ then Pharma would be a division that could be sold. Are there any plans to move the Pharma that is in Rochester to NJ?

If all of the Pharma operations in Rochester were moved to NJ then Pharma would be a division that could be sold. Are there any plans to move the Pharma that is in Rochester to NJ?

you are right. You do not have to go much farther than looking at the organization chart to see that WP hired the wrong people for this job.

After 4 years at a minimum the company should be organized into three separate functional units that can be showcased for sale. The fact that the three divisions still have not been separated from each other in the organization shows that the CEO has failed.

With that said if WP is OK with the CEOs performance and there are no layoffs it does not make a whole lot of difference who they put at CEO. If I were WP I would demand that the separation of the business units (people and buildings) occurs immediately so that each unit can be sold separately to prospective buyers.