Drug tests


or based on everyone's experience they can answer. If for some reason you think people in the pharma world are not doing drugs than you are an idiot.

Also I never understood the troll mentality. If you don't have anything to add to the discussion or someone's question why even bother. lol

What is the standard drug test for the industry? Does pharma usually do the 10-12 panel urine test or is it a hair sample?

No one does a hair test that I am aware of, everyone does a urine drug screen. I guess you are worried about past usage showing up in your hair but have not done anything recently because it wouldn't show up in a urine drug screen. Otherwise you would not even need to ask or that's the way it appears.

No one does a hair test that I am aware of, everyone does a urine drug screen. I guess you are worried about past usage showing up in your hair but have not done anything recently because it wouldn't show up in a urine drug screen. Otherwise you would not even need to ask or that's the way it appears.

Big Pharma always to drug test. Biotech, especially CA/bay area do not. I've worked for three bay area bio and none of the drug tested. All the NJ big Pharmas did.

Ir's pretty simple, actually; if one is asking about drug tests, then one is obviously concerned about the outcome. In order to secure a job in pharma, one has to be clean -- after one is hired, it's an entirely different matter -- lots of pharma folks are druggies. Stupid in my opinion but then I'm an old timer who paid the dues, walked the walk, etc. Personally, I don't understand why anybody would want to do any illegal drugs after the age of 25 or 30. JMHO -- not passing judgement -- JMHO

Ir's pretty simple, actually; if one is asking about drug tests, then one is obviously concerned about the outcome. In order to secure a job in pharma, one has to be clean -- after one is hired, it's an entirely different matter -- lots of pharma folks are druggies. Stupid in my opinion but then I'm an old timer who paid the dues, walked the walk, etc. Personally, I don't understand why anybody would want to do any illegal drugs after the age of 25 or 30. JMHO -- not passing judgement -- JMHO

so if you admit that "lots of pharma folks are druggies" than why say if you ask you than maybe you should not apply? Sounds a lot like judgement to me.

and to answer a previous posters question. Yes. I haven't done anything recently and by anything and recent I mean smoking a joint every 3 months. I can easily pass a urine test, but the hair test is where it gets tricky. I was just concerned. My last pharma gig was the standard urine test, but a buddy of my over at warner chillcot had to take a hair sample. So I wanted to ask the boards general opinions on what they have seen.

Thank you for the information cafepharma.

Ir's pretty simple, actually; if one is asking about drug tests, then one is obviously concerned about the outcome. In order to secure a job in pharma, one has to be clean -- after one is hired, it's an entirely different matter -- lots of pharma folks are druggies. Stupid in my opinion but then I'm an old timer who paid the dues, walked the walk, etc. Personally, I don't understand why anybody would want to do any illegal drugs after the age of 25 or 30. JMHO -- not passing judgement -- JMHO

hey geezer not everyone is 30+ and no one cares about your personal opinion. you are a fuck.

Not many companies are doing the Urine tests anymore because they are too easy to beat (special drinks, overrehydration). My job required a hair test using GCMS and you cannot beat that test. It will show every single chemical you have ingested for the past 90 days (give or take 10 days). It is a full proof way to find out how much alcohol you drink daily as well. Some say bleaching and a number of specialized and expensive hair detox products can beat the test but I do not know anyone that did it. Short hair is an advantage or hair that grows fast but they need about an inch. I would say just stay clean for 60 days. BTW, if you think you will get a script for Marinol and beat the test because that is legal THC. They show up different and you will FAIL.

so if you admit that "lots of pharma folks are druggies" than why say if you ask you than maybe you should not apply? Sounds a lot like judgement to me. No, it is a STATEMENT. I don't give a tinker's damn if people do drugs, just don't do them around me.

and to answer a previous posters question. Yes. I haven't done anything recently and by anything and recent I mean smoking a joint every 3 months. I can easily pass a urine test, but the hair test is where it gets tricky. I was just concerned. My last pharma gig was the standard urine test, but a buddy of my over at warner chillcot had to take a hair sample. So I wanted to ask the boards general opinions on what they have seen.

Thank you for the information cafepharma.

Good luck to you, if this is what you want to continue to do.

"No, it is a STATEMENT. I don't give a tinker's damn if people do drugs, just don't do them around me."
no actually you called it 'stupid" so it is a statement but you are passing JUDGEMENT. The least you can do is be honest with yourself and your shitty posts. If you aren't going to pass judgement than don't contradict yourself in the same breath. If you are going to pass judgement than so be it just don't be a stuck up liar. lol

Not many companies are doing the Urine tests anymore because they are too easy to beat (special drinks, overrehydration). My job required a hair test using GCMS and you cannot beat that test. It will show every single chemical you have ingested for the past 90 days (give or take 10 days). It is a full proof way to find out how much alcohol you drink daily as well. Some say bleaching and a number of specialized and expensive hair detox products can beat the test but I do not know anyone that did it. Short hair is an advantage or hair that grows fast but they need about an inch. I would say just stay clean for 60 days. BTW, if you think you will get a script for Marinol and beat the test because that is legal THC. They show up different and you will FAIL.

I have to call BS on the "Not many companies doing the urine drug tests anymore because they are too easy to beat". You don't know what you're talking about unless you have a sample size of one or two. If you over hydrate it shows up on the test and all those "special drinks" that are marketed are complete BS. Trust me, they do not work except maybe on one of those stupid point-of-care tests. Those are only used in some offices as an initial screen and even then most of them will reference out the result if something bad shows up because they are not legal in court.

If I was only smoking weed once every 3-4 months I think I would stop totally and not have to ever worry about it. The reason I say that is what if you get the job but some crazy driver hits you while driving. My company made us go get drug tested within 24 hours regardless of who's fault it is. I had it happen twice in less than one year. If this company you are interviewing with requires a hair test they might require one for an accident report too and then you are really screwed. I had lots of friends that smoked when I was younger but I never did, I always had plenty of fun without it but everybody is different.
Good Luck

Ir's pretty simple, actually; if one is asking about drug tests, then one is obviously concerned about the outcome. In order to secure a job in pharma, one has to be clean -- after one is hired, it's an entirely different matter -- lots of pharma folks are druggies. Stupid in my opinion but then I'm an old timer who paid the dues, walked the walk, etc. Personally, I don't understand why anybody would want to do any illegal drugs after the age of 25 or 30. JMHO -- not passing judgement -- JMHO

You are a conflicted individual! Very narrow-minded and uneducated individual. The best part is you have participated in quite a few activities that would be viewed as risque behavior. I believe that was pointed that out to you. You also hang out at one of the most notorious boards. What does that say about you?

That's the problem with pharma reps -- a lot are UNDER 30, stupid and immature -- as you have so eloquently proven.....

no actually you called it 'stupid" so it is a statement but you are passing JUDGEMENT.
No I called YOU stupid -- if that's a judgement, well, I guess I've judged you to be stupid.

You are a conflicted individual! Very narrow-minded and uneducated individual. The best part is you have participated in quite a few activities that would be viewed as risque behavior. I believe that was pointed that out to you. You also hang out at one of the most notorious boards. What does that say about you?
Notorious???? Wow.

No I called YOU stupid -- if that's a judgement, well, I guess I've judged you to be stupid.

Notorious???? Wow.

again you lie... I can continue to quote your posts all day and show your hypocrisy.

you said "lots of pharma folks are druggies. Stupid in my opinion..."

so you didn't call me stupid you were calling the behavior stupid. Again you were passing judgement when you said you weren't. I honestly don't understand why you feel the need to keep fighting this when your whole post and it's exact wording is up for grabs. You are only making yourself look like an even bigger judgmental, hypocritical, stick up the ass, whiny, out of touch crybaby. Which I didn't think was possible. I win. Thanks for playing.

I have to call BS on the "Not many companies doing the urine drug tests anymore because they are too easy to beat". You don't know what you're talking about unless you have a sample size of one or two. If you over hydrate it shows up on the test and all those "special drinks" that are marketed are complete BS. Trust me, they do not work except maybe on one of those stupid point-of-care tests. Those are only used in some offices as an initial screen and even then most of them will reference out the result if something bad shows up because they are not legal in court.

If I was only smoking weed once every 3-4 months I think I would stop totally and not have to ever worry about it. The reason I say that is what if you get the job but some crazy driver hits you while driving. My company made us go get drug tested within 24 hours regardless of who's fault it is. I had it happen twice in less than one year. If this company you are interviewing with requires a hair test they might require one for an accident report too and then you are really screwed. I had lots of friends that smoked when I was younger but I never did, I always had plenty of fun without it but everybody is different.
Good Luck

Not B.S. Look it up. The urine test can absolutely be beat. A lot of products can wash right out of the system in two or three days. The "specialty" drinks do work. Not only is this confirmed on a number of lab websites but it was confirmed by the nurse that did my "hair" test. The urine test works if you use everyday, even that would be tough to wash out but some of the masking drinks do work and many, many people have used them successfully. That is WHY companies for hiring purposes and for court cases are taking hair instead. You cannot beat the hair sample test. So people who use better stop. The hair test will even show abnormal levels of legal Rx drugs. So, if you are abusing pain killers, that will bump the graph and even show what molecule/compound you are taking and how often.

Not B.S. Look it up. The urine test can absolutely be beat. A lot of products can wash right out of the system in two or three days. The "specialty" drinks do work. Not only is this confirmed on a number of lab websites but it was confirmed by the nurse that did my "hair" test. The urine test works if you use everyday, even that would be tough to wash out but some of the masking drinks do work and many, many people have used them successfully. That is WHY companies for hiring purposes and for court cases are taking hair instead. You cannot beat the hair sample test. So people who use better stop. The hair test will even show abnormal levels of legal Rx drugs. So, if you are abusing pain killers, that will bump the graph and even show what molecule/compound you are taking and how often.

Maybe you and I are running in different circles. As far as companies asking for samples for employment I can assure you based on having worked for a company that does both that the percentage of companies using urine vs hair is about 98% urine and <2% hair. I worked for the company that does more employment drug screening than any other in the country and clients want urine screening because of cost. I agree with you that hair gives you a much longer look at someone's history but companies are not willing to pay for that difference.

That's the problem with pharma reps -- a lot are UNDER 30, stupid and immature -- as you have so eloquently proven.....

Hi who is the VP of Sales at DaVita?

Anyone over 30 who is a pharma rep is a complete loser with zero self-respect, pride, or motivation. If this is the career you settled on in your 30’s and haven’t either climbed the ladder in pharma, got into a highly specialized biotech, device/equipment job, or are out of the industry entirely, suffice to say you are a complete and utter loser. I could not imagine how desperate I would need to be, to be in my 30’s, standing in a lunch room feeding an office to get a few minutes with the doc! Pathetic. And save your “it’s good money versus lifestyle”, crap! Admit that you were too scared and/or lazy to get a real job making real money. Any real salesperson worth their salt would never be caught dead waiting in hallway for a signature for samples or feeding rotund MA’s as part of their job. I left pharma after one year for a medical equipment company and I make more money than our VP of sales did at my “Big Pharma” company. Oh and btw the “pager” and “on-call” BS is a myth. Unless you sell trauma with something that is not regularly stocked you will never get “paged” in the middle of the night. I work the same hours I did in pharma all with zero BS that you morons put up with. I had the stones to take a chance yet you losers stick around and bitch and moan about everything top to bottom from “green reps” and “Barbies” ruining the business to being too micromanaged to death, yet 99% of you do not have the balls to make a change, to take a risk, you just sit there like a chump and take it all while you rationalize why this is a “good job”.
Keep dreaming losers!

BTW, I’ll take immature, over old, lazy, and unmotivated, any day of the week. Have fun loser doing your sample inventory, role playing and getting that oh so valuable curbside coaching from your douchebag DM.