Drug Test


Yes, most major firms do test. And, some hospitals require a clean test as a credential for entry. Honestly, if you have a history of drug use, please find another field.
- friend

Take it easy Officer. Plenty of doctors and hospital staff partake in recreational drugs so get off your high horse. Its a legitimate question.

All depends on the job. Big Pharma company? drug test for sure. Working as a 1099? No way they are drug testing you.

You are right about some of the credentialing companies, but its not like the hospital is running you to a lab for a test the minute you walk in the door. Bottom line, you got a decent chance at being tested so play it safe- pass don't puff!

I know my company tested at hire and now some credentialing systems are requiring documentation of a clean test within past 6 months. Or at least wanting an attestation letter from your employer