Drug Test

Really, we are back to this again! Why ask about a drug screen? I think everybody drug screens. If you want to work and act like a grown adult, just don't do drugs. If you want to act like a child then go ahead and suck on the teet of the government and let them take care if you...at least until they start drug screening that population.

Since Valeant acquired B&L does that mean it follows valeants drug tests or B&L's?

I heard B&L does hair follicle drug tests. Can anyone confirm?

If you have to ask about drug testing policies, you should probably go sober for a couple of years before interviewing with a pharma co. They all hair test now. Find something else to do.

Really, we are back to this again! Why ask about a drug screen? I think everybody drug screens. If you want to work and act like a grown adult, just don't do drugs. If you want to act like a child then go ahead and suck on the teet of the government and let them take care if you...

at least until they start drug screening that population.

fucking lmao--that will never happen

It a urine sample, hair follicle, blood and your first born.
This is honestly the most ridiculous thread of all time.

Sorry for the idiots on the board who think someone shouldn't have smoked months ago before they were looking for a job. Most likely these are bitters who were laid off. They used to do hair testing for sure, but I would think they would have gone away from that. Hopefully someone can confirm for you.

Sorry for the idiots on the board who think someone shouldn't have smoked months ago before they were looking for a job. Most likely these are bitters who were laid off. They used to do hair testing for sure, but I would think they would have gone away from that. Hopefully someone can confirm for you.

If you have to ask about drug testing policies, you should probably go sober for a couple of years before interviewing with a pharma co. They all hair test now. Find something else to do.

I know this thread is old, but this is plainly not true. I have been through 2 companies' interviews and they both have been urine.

I have heard that they are cancelling drug testing altogether, the reasoning being that anyone who would accept a job with B+L today is clearly on drugs. This initiative is expected to help Valeant stave off bankruptcy for an additional five minutes.