drug test


I heard from a friend in HR that all field personel will be drug tested this week. I know Pfizer has been known to do this and you know how Novartis mirrors them. Are you rolliin' dirty?


I hope it's not true. I like to get high at meetings - and I have occasionally gotten stoned out in the field...almost always after the last call of the day and I'm on my way home. What kind of test? Hair, urine?

I hope it's not true. I like to get high at meetings - and I have occasionally gotten stoned out in the field...almost always after the last call of the day and I'm on my way home. What kind of test? Hair, urine?

dont do pot, it stays visible for weeks/months depending on the type of test.
Now cocaine is out of the system in 2 days....breakfast of champions.

I hope it's not true. I like to get high at meetings - and I have occasionally gotten stoned out in the field...almost always after the last call of the day and I'm on my way home. What kind of test? Hair, urine?

Don't worry about it, Hippie. They won't mind, go ahead and fire one up right in front of the hiring manager during the interview. In fact... exhale smoke rings into his face. They love it when you do that. Best of luck with your job search, I know you'll land somewhere and you'll be successful.

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