I smoked 5 weeks ago and was wondering what the standard screen is; urine or hair? And before someone jumps my nuts I'm not a regular smoker, but I also don't think it's dangerous. Thanks in advance.
I smoked 5 weeks ago and was wondering what the standard screen is; urine or hair? And before someone jumps my nuts I'm not a regular smoker, but I also don't think it's dangerous. Thanks in advance.
Whether or not you think it's safe is irrelevant. What moron would take the risk in the midst of a job search? Nice decision making.
I smoked 5 weeks ago and was wondering what the standard screen is; urine or hair? And before someone jumps my nuts I'm not a regular smoker, but I also don't think it's dangerous. Thanks in advance.
That really doesn't answer my question. Let's try to stay on topic. Anyone?
they do hair test-just went through it 2 months ago. If HR finds this post, you are done-hard core anti drug right wingers at this company and they will try and find the IP address. Go to and get the kwellgel for hair test.Also, erase your history in webbrowser...from one drug addict to another.
Integra doesn't screen because you have to be high to work for them
I was on call at Integra for over 5 years. Never touched the stuff. It would have been very difficult of not impossible trouble shooting a problem on the phone after smoking, much less having to cover a case in the middle of the night. I wouldn't recommend it at all. With that being said, I never heard the word drug test at Integra. Maybe if you did something stupid to draw attention to yourself, but don't count on it. But, if you smoke, don't expect to be in this job very long. Sooner or later you will have to cover a case or talk to a circulator on the phone and it will be all over for you.
hair what?no, they do not.. but by the sounds of it you are a fantastic candidate to implement the change on. you tool