Dropping Like Flies


I've got it on a good source from HR, the Contract Rep's are dropping like flies. Out of approximately 260'ish at the initial training, 40+ have resigned to date. Looks like these mugs will not be the answer but rather the demise of Forest using contract employees in the future? This saturation of the sales force was poorly thought out in the first place and looks like this craziness is heading for a NO GAIN result! Later CSO's and thanks for the assistance in making this management decision a total failure.

Sounds like our institutional sales force. Maybe now the contrac reps realize we don't need them to be successful. They keep us out of offices and keep us from getting signatures.

Sounds like our institutional sales force. Maybe now the contrac reps realize we don't need them to be successful. They keep us out of offices and keep us from getting signatures.

Lol, was going to make same comment about the Institutional Sales Force, but I've also seen a lot of Office Based Specialty positions opening up...they're dropping like flies too!!

No such position as forest specialty anymore. What a waste of extra salary when calling on same docs. Who wants headaches of dealing with low-life territory reps and contract reps. Nothing but headaches for me anymore, not worth few extra bucks

What Forest/inventiv did was hire the contract at too low a salary. I know I'm one if them. Believe me we are all looking for another position (DMs too). They low balled it and those that are leaving are leaving for more money.

What Forest/inventiv did was hire the contract at too low a salary. I know I'm one if them. Believe me we are all looking for another position (DMs too). They low balled it and those that are leaving are leaving for more money.

Truth is nobody wants to be a contract rep. They take the job for the benefits and to stay busy while looking for work. Whereas everyone wants to be a hospital rep. The reasons they are dropping like flies is an entirely different matter.

I would imagine the turnover rate for a contract sales force is through the roof. They all know that roll-in talk is bull-shit and if they are smart; they are looking for more long-term employment. As to the hospital rep openings, that is another matter all together......

Sounds like our institutional sales force. Maybe now the contrac reps realize we don't need them to be successful. They keep us out of offices and keep us from getting signatures.

Straight from the horse's mouth...that is all a Forest rep knows how to do is get signatures....you guys are idiots.

At least we can get sigs, u can't even get that. We r better without u people. It makes it harder for me to got my 10 sigs a du. Stay out of my offices

You are proud of the fact that you can get signatures????? The fact that all you guys care about is getting a sig is ridicilous. Its reps like you that make our jobs look ridicilous, begging for a signature, PATHETIC!

Forest has created the mentality of chasing signatures. That's all the reps do now & care about. They're not selling anything anymore. They're running around with their heads cut off trying to get x amount of samples, see x amount of doctors, reach x amount of their Target A's, etc. This whole job has become all about checking a box. It's so sad. And management wonders why numbers suck?