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Driving record


I was rejected on the background check because of my DL. I have several non-moving violations that are beign reported and have a point value given to them by Verifications Inc. but do not have any moving violations and my state does not show me as having any points on my DL. Any way around this? Looking for constructive suggestions.

WOW - that will stink not to get this job because of some non-moving violations. If you have no points on driving record- then it shouldn't matter. (In my lamens opinion). I'm sorry about that. There is so much red tape to get around at Lilly. Have you called the HR contact number on the email requesting the background check? I would try and talk to HR about it. Also, do you know the manager in the territory you interviewed for? You just need someone on the inside to help guide you. I mean, they want you or you wouldn't be submitting a bg check. There has to be a way around it.

Thanks for your help. I'm going to try to call HR and the hiring manager as you suggested. It is crazy that they assess points for non-moving violations! You wouldn't happen to know the number of Verifications Inc. points allowed (since they give points for non-moving violations), would you? Also, are the managers able to bend the rules? Can they hire even if Verifications Inc. sends out a preliminary rejection decision letter?

at least you know EXACTLY what the problem is and can address. I do not have te answer as to whether managers can bend the rules. Just don't give up becuase you know you were about to make an offer. They want you so maybe they will do what it takes to get you if they just know about the situation. I do not know the number vrification allows. sorry no help there. But good luck. Keep us posted. Im rooting for you!

at least you know EXACTLY what the problem is and can address. I do not have te answer as to whether managers can bend the rules. Just don't give up becuase you know you were about to make an offer. They want you so maybe they will do what it takes to get you if they just know about the situation. I do not know the number vrification allows. sorry no help there. But good luck. Keep us posted. Im rooting for you!

Will do. Thanks.

To original poster: I would call your contact in HR you rec'd in the original email and tell them about your non moving violations. Be honest and I am sure they will guide you one way or the other with their final decision. Good luck.

Will the background check company contact you if all is okay with your submission and all is a go?

I was rejected on the background check because of my DL. I have several non-moving violations that are beign reported and have a point value given to them by Verifications Inc. but do not have any moving violations and my state does not show me as having any points on my DL. Any way around this? Looking for constructive suggestions.

This is called behavioural profiling on you. Be careful which website you visit.
If you beleive me, trust no one. Next thing corporations are going to pay Google and Facebook about 25 dollars to get your past six and two years of posting/searching history.

ou may want to talk a internet privacy lawyers who may partially remove some of the online traces you may have left.

Try to learn vidalia/tor/linux (eg tails linux). No brainer to use if oyu can read english at 1st grade.

final suggestion is to look beyond pharmas, if you are in sales - marketing - admin. You will get a job where people will respect you, albeit bonus and pay will be slieghtly lower (5-10% low). Goodluck.

To original poster: I would call your contact in HR you rec'd in the original email and tell them about your non moving violations. Be honest and I am sure they will guide you one way or the other with their final decision. Good luck.

Will the background check company contact you if all is okay with your submission and all is a go?

HR or manager will contact you if all is ok. Background company will only send out rejection letter, no ok letters.

I thought I read on the paperwork that they were NOT conducting a credit check. Does anyone know if they are or are not?


Yes, but they are not looking at credit history but rather ss# info. They check with Equifax to make sure your ss# is valid and also that there isn't more than one person using that ss#.

The CIA that we had to sign had very ominous sounding words - which everyone knows that Lilly had to take every employees profiles of: (1) Criminal History - obviously murder, rape, etc are self-evident, but auto accidents, illegal parking, speeding tickets, etc (2) Credit/Mortgage history - outstanding balances included (3) Lilly used computer emails - both Lotus Notes and your other gmail/Yahoo/MSN etc(4) Complete Lexis-Nexis report (which also include complete background search as if you were going for FBI/CIA job). (5) Electornic Performance Management - annual (de)grading.

This significantly differs what others have simply put driving record..no evrything in your profile that goes 10 years or three jobs

That's why I never say anything I wouldn't want an employer to see in Facebook etc. Too many ways to invade electroinc thoughts, but not if you keep them to yourself or to personal untapped live conversations.

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