Drinking At Work?

About 20 years go I worked in an office where the National Mgr had a 2-martini lunches - everyday.

One afternoon, he did not come back from lunch and called his admin to say he had a minor car accident and left the scene...and went home!

Guess what? The police called his home and the office looking for him. That was the end of his boozing at noon.

About 20 years go I worked in an office where the National Mgr had a 2-martini lunches - everyday.

One afternoon, he did not come back from lunch and called his admin to say he had a minor car accident and left the scene...and went home!

Guess what? The police called his home and the office looking for him. That was the end of his boozing at noon.

I never have more than one beer at lunch and only once and awhile. The DUI thing would be very sour.

I never have more than one beer at lunch and only once and awhile. The DUI thing would be very sour.

Years ago, I was always finished 12:30 and I'd have a glass of wine at lunch. During my divorce it advanced to a Martini or two. After the divorce, my wife ironically got a DUI and after I saw what it did to her, I re-evaluated and stopped that shit immediately.

Now I'm home by lunch time, don't ever have a drink until the evening and I keep an Alco-Hawk (Brookstone for $60) in the car. If I have as much as a sip of wine while I'm out, I do a test before I put the key in the slot.

Guys, what is so difficult about NEVER having a drink and driving. I enjoy drinking, but I never (not even dinner programs) drink and drive. I am lucky Mr. Gams does not drink and is MY driver when we go partying. Some of my friends take advantage of his sober status. LOL - it is kind of funny to see him (all straight) and the rest of us drunk as skunks staggering around.

Guys, what is so difficult about NEVER having a drink and driving. I enjoy drinking, but I never (not even dinner programs) drink and drive. I am lucky Mr. Gams does not drink and is MY driver when we go partying. Some of my friends take advantage of his sober status. LOL - it is kind of funny to see him (all straight) and the rest of us drunk as skunks staggering around.

If someone tells you they see nothing wrong with a beer at lunch, you're talking to an alcoholic.

I have seen several people fired when a doc called and complained about the odor of alcohol on a rep's breath.

If someone tells you they see nothing wrong with a beer at lunch, you're talking to an alcoholic.

I have seen several people fired when a doc called and complained about the odor of alcohol on a rep's breath.

Who the fuck makes calls after lunch? You get them all done before noon, anything after noon is a phone call.

Anyone that stupid should be fired

If someone tells you they see nothing wrong with a beer at lunch, you're talking to an alcoholic.

I have seen several people fired when a doc called and complained about the odor of alcohol on a rep's breath.

Geez I'm gonna have to agree w/ you. Any of my people have a drink at lunch and they are gone period. It's in the contract.

I agree as well. If you can't wait until you've finished for the day, whether it's 11am or 5pm, you've got a real problem.