Dressing up two pigs for sale


Selling two companies in a package deal is not going to be enough to get a sale or an IPO. B+L has to get serious about consolidating the company into three fully functional efficient business units.

Right now the number of geographic locations and duplicate jobs throughout the company is kaotic and inefficient. Trying to make since of an organizational chart in this company would be a nightmare for a potential buyer.
employee X in rochester reports to manager Y in New Jersey who reports to Director W in California who reports to VP B in Tampa.

Also employee X works on Pharma, Surgical and Vision Care projects so employee X actually reports to manager Y in New Jersey, manager N in Rochester and manager D in St. louis.

No one is going to buy this ridiculous organization with reporting structures so confusing and inefficient that no one can focus on accomplishing any goals. The new buyer would have to spend so much time cleaning this organization up that it would take years to get it to be a functional company.

Selling two companies in a package deal is not going to be enough to get a sale or an IPO. B+L has to get serious about consolidating the company into three fully functional efficient business units.

Right now the number of geographic locations and duplicate jobs throughout the company is kaotic and inefficient. Trying to make since of an organizational chart in this company would be a nightmare for a potential buyer.
employee X in rochester reports to manager Y in New Jersey who reports to Director W in California who reports to VP B in Tampa.

Also employee X works on Pharma, Surgical and Vision Care projects so employee X actually reports to manager Y in New Jersey, manager N in Rochester and manager D in St. louis.

No one is going to buy this ridiculous organization with reporting structures so confusing and inefficient that no one can focus on accomplishing any goals. The new buyer would have to spend so much time cleaning this organization up that it would take years to get it to be a functional company.

Agreed, it is hard to make sense out of an organization that is this kaotic. No one will buy it.

Agreed, it is hard to make sense out of an organization that is this kaotic. No one will buy it.

Well --- You might as well leave now - sounds like you think you are on a sinking ship -- leave room for those of us that actually believe in the company and the mission ---The more time you spend complaining the less you have time to focus on your part of this deal --- your job! do it or hit the road --- that's the simple answer -- if everybody pulls together in the right direction we will get somewhere --- and we will do that with or without you --- get on board or get off the ride here --- does that make sense?

Well --- You might as well leave now - sounds like you think you are on a sinking ship -- leave room for those of us that actually believe in the company and the mission ---The more time you spend complaining the less you have time to focus on your part of this deal --- your job! do it or hit the road --- that's the simple answer -- if everybody pulls together in the right direction we will get somewhere --- and we will do that with or without you --- get on board or get off the ride here --- does that make sense?

Working to make an organization efficeint and focused is not complaining. If you are not willing to fix the organization to make it run more efficeintly then you should leave today. You are obviously one of the poor performers that can not adapt to new improved ways of doing business.

Selling two companies in a package deal is not going to be enough to get a sale or an IPO. B+L has to get serious about consolidating the company into three fully functional efficient business units.

Right now the number of geographic locations and duplicate jobs throughout the company is kaotic and inefficient. Trying to make since of an organizational chart in this company would be a nightmare for a potential buyer.
employee X in rochester reports to manager Y in New Jersey who reports to Director W in California who reports to VP B in Tampa.

Also employee X works on Pharma, Surgical and Vision Care projects so employee X actually reports to manager Y in New Jersey, manager N in Rochester and manager D in St. louis.

No one is going to buy this ridiculous organization with reporting structures so confusing and inefficient that no one can focus on accomplishing any goals. The new buyer would have to spend so much time cleaning this organization up that it would take years to get it to be a functional company.

NO ONE will buy it you say? You severely underestimate the stupidity of people, investors, consumers, etc.

Exhibit A: The individual that already has an iPhone 4 or an iPad 2 but they're the first ones in line at the Apple store to get the 4s or iPad 3. Sucked in by the idea that they NEED it.

Exhibit B: The American Voter. No one pays attention to a politician's voting history or what they stand for anymore. The candidates (on both sides) say whatever they want while campaigning and voters BUY it hook, line, & sinker. Unfortunately, too many American voters decide who they will vote for (BUY) based on what their favorite actor/actress/musical artist/sports hero endorses and don't educate themselves on the candidates.

Based on that alone, I'm quite certain someone will buy-in to B+L future.

Working to make an organization efficeint and focused is not complaining. If you are not willing to fix the organization to make it run more efficeintly then you should leave today. You are obviously one of the poor performers that can not adapt to new improved ways of doing business.

Could you elaborate on the new improved ways of doing business that have been incorporated into Bausch + Lomb before the big acquisition and expectations for the same as a result of this business combination?

Perry had a hole drilled in the middle of his chair so he can stick his thumb up his butt without having to exert energy. This makes him both more efficient and more productive.

Could you elaborate on the new improved ways of doing business that have been incorporated into Bausch + Lomb before the big acquisition and expectations for the same as a result of this business combination?

Flatten and splaten. Duplicate and triplicate. Invest in corporate real estate. Were on a Mission. B+L instead of B&L. D&R instead of R&D.

If you're an abrasive unappealing idiot that cannot get along with anyone, Bausch wants you.

The research and development organization is so spread out around the world that it is really disjointed and inefficient. Multiple layers of management in Pharma in four separate locations in the US alone.

Not something that would be appealing in an IPO or a sale of the company. IPO and buyouts look for efficient organizational structures and centralized management so that the new company can adapt and integrate efficiently in the new organization. The expectation is that the private equity firm will clean this up prior to the IPO or sale.

B+L is far from a cleaned up organization at this point.