DRESS. . . . Does the FDA know?


So, how many cases of DRESS are there now? And does the FDA know the reps are downplaying all side effects?

Hold on to your hats VRTX reps. Taking the 5th may be th best option.


This post is hysterical coming from a Schmerck Troll. How many inquiries into deceptive marketing practices can one organization get hit with? Go away loser-real reps work at Vertex and are up front with their providers about all the S/E's. Give it a try sometime!

Your drug was being marketed in 1999. Of course you beat us coming out of the gate.

Not sure what your fearless leaders are telling you but get your resume together. You will have less than a 20 share at the end of next year. You can only hide the side effects for so long.

But, the word is getting out. Several cases of SJS. 100's of Dress. Two deaths. Ya, keep selling this drug. I hope your morals and ethics don't get in the way. But real reps don't tell docs to use a drug that causes such side effects and hurts the chances of a patient becoming negaitive because they can't get thru 12 weeks without being hospitalized.

If you and your company really cared about these patients you would pull it until you were sure it is safe. But, clearly Vertex reps and the company itself is only concerned about cash(see pricing of Incivek). Hope you all feel good about yourself.

When you get a chance, stop into the hospital and apologize to all the patients who are lying in beds unable to sleep due to itching, and unable to sit because there butts have fissures, hemorhoids and rash.

Go VERTEX!!!!!

So the FDA has the info on DRESS and SJS. At what point do they act? Are we as reps responsible personally for selling this drug when we know that previous patients had those side effects?

great question!

When do we as reps stop claiming that the rash is no big deal, and start admitting that patients are having problems and that our rash management team is not capable of fixing everything over the phone?

great question!

When do we as reps stop claiming that the rash is no big deal, and start admitting that patients are having problems and that our rash management team is not capable of fixing everything over the phone?

This guy keeps talking to himself. Let it go, you got fired. Go back to walmart, or primary care. 80% market share on the way to 90% when docs realize victrelis doesn't work, causes too much anemia, and others secrets I won't share:)

I am a Merck troll and I'll tell you that I have printed info from FDA website that has info on S.E. including DRESS and SJS that has been reported since launch. Im thinking my docs will be interested in this. Hope it goes viral across the country. Don't kid yourself that this isn't explosive when docs read it.

Ok vertex tools, now tell me I'm full of it.

Id say 20 cases of DRESS and a few SJS is a little more serious than rash management.

Thanks Merck for checking in....it shows that you are still upset you didn't jump over to Vertex when you had your chance. I like the numbers you pulled...if they were true, I'd say that's not too bad after treating over 17,000 patients. But I guess since you have a 20% share and a dying PegIntron, you have to reach for something.


Thanks Merck for checking in....it shows that you are still upset you didn't jump over to Vertex when you had your chance. I like the numbers you pulled...if they were true, I'd say that's not too bad after treating over 17,000 patients. But I guess since you have a 20% share and a dying PegIntron, you have to reach for something.


Wow and I work with you? Not too bad? You are an embarrassment.

Wow and I work with you? Not too bad? You are an embarrassment.

Evidently a Merck response. If there were only 20 people with serious side effects out of 17,000, the percentage is much less than what was seen in the studies. You really should worry about your own drug and it's launch. You should be glad we're not you because we'd be going around talking about the 2 Bocep deaths in S Flamm's abstract and making it sound that Bocep caused the deaths. Hmmmm....interesting.

Its on the FDA website boys and girls, for all the world to see. This coupled with Gilead/pharmasset should be the death nail.

Am I missing something? Any "All Oral" therapy from Pharmasset is AT LEAST 3 years from now. Second, they have not done a SINGLE study in GENOTYPE 1, which is the most prevalent, and most difficult to treat. So yes, assuming the product ACTUALLY MAKES IT TO MARKET, Pharmasset can have all the easy to treat Genotype 2/3 that they want. Please come back and talk to me when there is a SINGLE study of an all oral treat, IN GENOTYPE 1, that is even close to being as effective as the current standard of care.

Again, they are AT LEAST 3 years away, and with NO genotype 1 studies at all.