Dream turns to Nitemare


I need some help.....I'm in trouble and would appreciate any suggestions.....Thanks....This is what happened: I was at a dubstep concert last weekend and this girl with a tongue ring came over and started chatting me up...Well I've never dated a girl with a tongue ring so I was really excited....Long story short.....I ended up leaving the concert with her and her friend (who was even hotter)...A bunch of stuff happened.....I won't go into detail...Let's just say mistakes were made....It was one of the greatest nites of my life though.......Now I need to take a random drug test......I swear I never show up to work under the influence of anything....If I've had too much the nite before I just call in sick....So is there anyway I can pass this thing.....I heard you could take some kind of special drug to pass but wasn't sure....Please help...I need info soon.....not sure how long I can stall.....

Ok. Need more info. What's the drug. What's the amount. Was this one time. What is your weight? We may be able to save your penis.

Can't tell if real or troll..i do not need you to save my penis....my job needs saved.....I smoked something.....do not know what it was...felt like i was flying......I weigh 160 lbs........hurry pls.....

Can't tell if real or troll..i do not need you to save my penis....my job needs saved.....I smoked something.....do not know what it was...felt like i was flying......I weigh 160 lbs........hurry pls.....
All drugs are different. Stall as long as can. Eat and drink water till you feel like throwing up. Workout/sweat like a mad man. She must have been really hot.....if was just pot and took only a few hits you should be ok. If you are not used to smoking dope,there are some super grades out there that make you "fly". If it were something else it all depends. Actually some harder drugs leave the body quick if only done once. Used to do a lot of drugs way back when. Stay away! A avoid because the man is right around the corner at every turn. It's not worth it. Drink often and get naked whenever you can. It's legal.

I need some help.....I'm in trouble and would appreciate any suggestions.....Thanks....This is what happened: I was at a dubstep concert last weekend and this girl with a tongue ring came over and started chatting me up...Well I've never dated a girl with a tongue ring so I was really excited....Long story short.....I ended up leaving the concert with her and her friend (who was even hotter)...A bunch of stuff happened.....I won't go into detail...Let's just say mistakes were made....It was one of the greatest nites of my life though.......Now I need to take a random drug test......I swear I never show up to work under the influence of anything....If I've had too much the nite before I just call in sick....So is there anyway I can pass this thing.....I heard you could take some kind of special drug to pass but wasn't sure....Please help...I need info soon.....not sure how long I can stall.....

You must have been off your meds when you wrote this because this is total crap. I think maybe you passed out ant the two girls got it on and thus the tongue ring. The ring is not for male pleasure but female.

Please do not strings your sentences together with more than one period and no spaces. It's almost impossible to read, and really makes you look awfully unintelligent. Of course, that's assuming the content doesn't already do that.

Might as well just typed all that in all caps, sayin'.

Please do not strings your sentences together with more than one period and no spaces. It's almost impossible to read, and really makes you look awfully unintelligent. Of course, that's assuming the content doesn't already do that.

Might as well just typed all that in all caps, sayin'.

LOL.....why you mad?....lol.....