Downsizing again???


So why would we have more "restructuring" mid year?? Seems pretty soon after the last one.
Get back to work you Filthy Animal! These decisions do not concern you until we tell you to stay at home and await a call from your HR business partner.
Now go make calls and obtain reach and frequency on profitable prescribers!

So why would we have more "restructuring" mid year?? Seems pretty soon after the last one.

And where did this rumor come from?

It does make a little sense. Do we need so many reps out there promoting a drug like Stiolto that doesn’t seem to ever show and growth? We didn’t speak about HH last year and it still did just shy of $2 billion.

Do the math....

I feel very confident about my continued career with BI. After all, they are replacing my Atari 64 with a new laptop this month. And with the continued stellar work of my HSBS, I know that all RTs, CDEs, and of course Marge in the cath lab are driving business in all of our therapeutic areas. And, with the new goal setting based on access, potential, phases of the moon, and the square root of your age, I know we will all be compensated well and fairly.

I feel very confident about my continued career with BI. After all, they are replacing my Atari 64 with a new laptop this month. And with the continued stellar work of my HSBS, I know that all RTs, CDEs, and of course Marge in the cath lab are driving business in all of our therapeutic areas. And, with the new goal setting based on access, potential, phases of the moon, and the square root of your age, I know we will all be compensated well and fairly.
thank you I needed a good laugh

I feel very confident about my continued career with BI. After all, they are replacing my Atari 64 with a new laptop this month. And with the continued stellar work of my HSBS, I know that all RTs, CDEs, and of course Marge in the cath lab are driving business in all of our therapeutic areas. And, with the new goal setting based on access, potential, phases of the moon, and the square root of your age, I know we will all be compensated well and fairly.

Wait a sec, you had the Atari 64?! I'm still on the commodore 32. Man those floppy disk are such a hassle!