How about LC ending his town hall meeting announcement with 'We 'look forward' to sharing this important Business Update with you.'
Seems like if we were getting canned- he wouldn't 'look forward' to announcing this or would he?

LC is an embarrassing brown nose with lttle or no skills for the position he is in. Lucky for him the Japanese are a clueless bunch. Together they stand as a monument to stupidity in the industry.
I am more ready than you can imagine. Let's get this circus over with. The spin they give us is going to make me puke. I have my puke bag ready for the town hall meeting.

This will be a day to remember for years and will be the turning point for our once great company.

If Japan has the vision and guts, they will take the radical change approach and some of us will survive to thrive.

This company requires cuts at the very highest levels of this top heavy organization, and a complete restructure. Who would you pick to go?

This will be a day to remember for years and will be the turning point for our once great company.

If Japan has the vision and guts, they will take the radical change approach and some of us will survive to thrive.

This company requires cuts at the very highest levels of this top heavy organization, and a complete restructure. Who would you pick to go?

All those useless vp's and avp's. how much is the company wasting on their company-paid luxury cars?

Poster #6, you are so right. Putting aside my worries about my own job, it's comical how many managers this company STILL has. While they are playing musical chairs at HO, and throwing each other under the bus out here in the field, I'm laughing thinking about how many reps these DM's will have working for them. For those of us who survive the cuts, just get ready to have ride-alongs every two weeks, since Eisai will likely save its managers AGAIN and each DM with have 4-6 reps working for him/her. Or, a better scenario will be, they finally make the needed cuts to these high priced babysitters. I've gone thorugh this many times, and trust me when I say, it might not be the best option to survive the cut. You will be lectured on how "lucky" you are to have a job and how the only reason for you to exist is to make this company more money. They will nickel and dime you for every little expenditure and make your life a living hell through sign-in sheet compliance.

It's been a GREAT ride people, but this business model (detail people, and that's all we really are folks) is going the way of the dinosaur and it's been a lot of fun and very, very lucrative. I've been saving money, have a car that's paid for, worked off all my credit card debt, and doing my best to prepare. I'm ready and I hope you are too. Good luck to everybody over the next few months, Eisai still has some great people here and I've been lucky to work with many of them.

Instead of out sourcing reps- the only consistent F2F contact with customers- Eisai and the industr should outsource home office and many other functions. There is no reason to keep these departments and positions in-house.

This will be a day to remember for years and will be the turning point for our once great company.

If Japan has the vision and guts, they will take the radical change approach and some of us will survive to thrive.

This company requires cuts at the very highest levels of this top heavy organization, and a complete restructure. Who would you pick to go?

Many in thee field will obviously be cut but who really is to blame for the current situation? The answer is none other than Mr. CEO, LC. He seems like a nice guy but Eisai's current situation can't be blamed on anyone but LC. Maybe it's bad luck that lorcaserin and eritorin didn't get approved but throw in the poor performance of Aricept 23 and you've got a pattern. A statement needs to be made. Firing reps is not a statement. It's a cowardly move.

Many in thee field will obviously be cut but who really is to blame for the current situation? The answer is none other than Mr. CEO, LC. He seems like a nice guy but Eisai's current situation can't be blamed on anyone but LC. Maybe it's bad luck that lorcaserin and eritorin didn't get approved but throw in the poor performance of Aricept 23 and you've got a pattern. A statement needs to be made. Firing reps is not a statement. It's a cowardly move.

True but since when have you found that this company doesn't take the cowardly move?