Don't listen to 243 Guy


We have a good job and can influence patients outcome. Our products can save lives and AZ deserves we give then an honest days work. The 243 Guy is a punk. Don't listen to him


We have a good job and can influence patients outcome. Our products can save lives and AZ deserves we give then an honest days work. The 243 Guy is a punk. Don't listen to him
I glad that you have been treated fairly, there a large portion of us that work less to make up for the lack of bonus payments that we cheated on.

We have a good job and can influence patients outcome. Our products can save lives and AZ deserves we give then an honest days work. The 243 Guy is a punk. Don't listen to him

It can easily be argued that all pharmaceutical companies products save lives and influence patients outcomes. That's not however the reason people with sales backgrounds are hired. I certainly don't remember any of that being mentioned when I interviewed. You are hired for your ability to $ell.

AZ does deserve a full days work. If you can actually do it that is. If you can do that forty hours a week my hat's off to ya. I might even tip my hat for an honest twenty.

We have a good job and can influence patients outcome. Our products can save lives and AZ deserves we give then an honest days work. The 243 Guy is a punk. Don't listen to him

243 Guy is a super hero--you on the other hand are a mindless, naive sheep. AZ deserves nothing from you as you mean nothing to them. All employees at AZ are easily replaceable cogs in a giant money-making machine. As if anyone at the top gives two shits about "influencing patients outcome." Ha ha ha ha ha! Keep believing that if it makes it easier to know you are working for the most unethical company in the most unethical business in the world. Go ahead and put in your honest day's work--won't change AZ's reputation as the most venal, evil, grasping company ever conceived.

It can easily be argued that all pharmaceutical companies products save lives and influence patients outcomes. That's not however the reason people with sales backgrounds are hired. I certainly don't remember any of that being mentioned when I interviewed. You are hired for your ability to $ell.

AZ does deserve a full days work. If you can actually do it that is. If you can do that forty hours a week my hat's off to ya. I might even tip my hat for an honest twenty.

No one is hired anymore for ability to sell. They are hired to satisfy grievance group metrics, as payola / extortion to keep the corporate name from being damaged in the media. Next time you wonder about a new hire or a promotion, ask yourself: ethnic? Gender preference, etc, what allegedly aggrieved minority is being embraced ?